Everyone please have fun and learn some great stuff at Govt 2.0 Expo in Washington DC!
I won’t be there so I’m missing out but please report back with your findings about social media and government comm/PR!
I won’t be there so I’m missing out but please report back with your findings about social media and government comm/PR!
I should go through my bookshelves more often! This weekend, while sorting and thinking, I rediscovered a hard copy of the IBM Center for the Business of Government’s Fall/Winter 2008 publication. One of the articles jumped out at me: Leveraging Web 2.0 in Government, by Ai-Mei Chang and P.K. Kannan. Chang is Professor of SystemsRead… Read more »
I commented on a statement given by Jerry – It is located here https://www.govloop.com/profiles/blogs/government-needs-to-hire HI Jerry, Great Post. As for the secretary. You could! There are tons of companies right now on the internet, and even personal people, who have your “virtual” 1-800 number forwarded to anyone you want. For instance, my sister, who livesRead… Read more »
If you’ve read anything I’ve written, you know I favor government agencies using social media to meet their missions. Strongly favor. I see these tools as offering tremendous potential benefits. Yet there are also other considerations at play. Did you know the Department of Defense runs its own TV station called the Pentagon Channel? IRead… Read more »
If you’ve seen a series of posts called “Gov 2.0 Heroes” here on GovLoop, then you probably know about Luke Fretwell’s launch of GovFresh just a few months ago. GovFresh is a great website with a comprehensive list of feeds from scores of government agencies. In addition, Luke is providing thought leadership and innovative newRead… Read more »
I have been meaning to write this piece for a while after some sessions with various teams working on how Government can make better use of technology to deliver their services to citizens. However the same principle comes up pretty rapidly in similar conversations in a lot of different industries as we try to comeRead… Read more »
Not all GovLoop searches are created equal. Some can waste a lot of your time while others cut to the chase. So much good content “hiding out” on the site…it would be a shame to let search issues get in the way. An example and a few tips should help you find good stuff withRead… Read more »
Originally posted on Flickr a week ago, my 30-second statement is now up at YouTube. Please let me know what you think. –And make sure you see Andy’s and Steve’s videos, two excellent statements on the subject!
Just in cased you missed them: opengovnews : #gov20 The Great Gov 2.0 Cultural Divide: Source: GovFresh – Government 2.0 http://url4.eu/NbV1 govloop: “What Does Gov 2.0 Mean to Me?” and Other Cool Video Projects http://bit.ly/1NUm6j RT @carlmalamud #gov20 is too often a dialogue of .com execs w/ gov officials with big offices. Opportunity to openRead… Read more »
Originally posted at the GenerationShift blog. In advance of next week’s Gov 2.0 Expo and Summit, Tim O’Reilly asked citizens to respond to a question: “What Does Gov 2.0 Mean to You?” At least a couple handful of folks have responded, with many of the videos being posted over at GovFresh. To encourage others toRead… Read more »