
Rob Carey, CIO, Dept. of the Navy to speak at the Keynote Address for next week’s Virtual Fose event!

Yes, we’re bringing FOSE to a desktop near you! This time you don’t have to come to Washington, DC to experience the #1 rated Technology Show for Government. It’s available from the comfort of your office. For over 30 years, FOSE has been the one IT event known government-wide as the annual meeting place forRead… Read more »


In this dark time of economic downturn I keep reading that many folks are not travelling. They are taking “staycations”. This is where they take their vacation leave and just stay home or do day-trips around their region to save money. If that is your thing, then ok, but really, travel can be done withoutRead… Read more »

Do you monitor social media conversations about your department?

Republished from eGov AU. As a marketer I find the internet a dream channel for monitoring customer sentiment and concerns. Social media and search engines can be easily and cheaply tracked to provide fast feedback on various initiatives. This helps organisations shape their campaigns and responses to external events. I’d recommend that this is equallyRead… Read more »

Dealing with SPIN – the four horsemen

Nicholas Gruen, leading the Australian Government 2.0 task force proposed a new theory of SPIN (Serial Professional Innovation Negation); the theory outlines the very strong political incentives against greater risk taking, which in turn holds up the adoption of Web 2.0 approaches – and indeed quite a few Web 1.0 approaches. I cross-post my commentRead… Read more »

Building a business case to move from IE6 to a modern web browser

Republished from eGov AU. Here’s some notes useful for a business case justifying an upgrade from Internet Explorer 6 to a more modern web browser that I prepared last week for a colleague at another organisation. It supports the priority in Australia 2 to Upgrade all government web browsers. Please add to them in theRead… Read more »

Interesting article for what is not discussed

ARTICLE: THE GOVERNMENT-IN-THE-SUNSHINE LAW THEN AND NOW: A MODEL FOR IMPLEMENTING NEW TECHNOLOGIES CONSISTENT WITH FLORIDA’S POSITION AS A LEADER IN OPEN GOVERNMENT – 35 Fla. St. U.L. Rev. 245 (winter 2008) This article does not mention social media, facebook, myspace, twitter, gov 2.0, nor web 2.0.

Examples of wiki government?

Can anyone share some current examples that they like and see as effective of wiki government? Peer-to-Patent is always used as the example, but their website says they have closed the pilot. I could really use some examples to use during a talk this weekend. Help!