
3 Reasons to Care About Defense Budgets

Home security and personal security are subjects everyone can relate to, and safely assumed to share the same level of importance to most people. While we might not conscientiously put thought into foiling a burglary or assault, we do in fact take steps to enable successful prevention of crime…we take steps to protect ourselves. As… Read more »

Can Technology Solve Government Procurement?

A common thread among the recent spate of state health insurance exchange rollout failures (e.g., Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Oregon) was the states’ inability to effectively procure, manage and coordinate IT services from multiple contractors. In each case, the aftermath was a rash of finger-pointing between and among agency managers and contractors, and in someRead… Read more »

Jumpstarting Your Big Data Campaign

The following is an interview with Webster Mudge, Senior Director of Technology Solutions, Cloudera. To learn more about how your agency can excel with big data, be sure to check out our guide: The Big Data Playbook for Government.  One of the challenges for any IT program is soliciting support from leaders and gaining executive buy-in. AlthoughRead… Read more »

Follow the New IP Part V: The Network Hardware of the Future

Every year, the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) reveals the latest cutting-edge devices and gadgets poised to disrupt the consumer tech space. In 2015, it was evident that this would be the year of Bluetooth-enabled everything — wearables, smart watches, necklaces and toothbrushes – all becoming network endpoints, gathering and transmitting large volumes of data. ThisRead… Read more »

In Toys As In Data, Sharing is Caring

“Mine! Mine! Mine!” Despite my parents consistently emphasizing the importance of sharing, when it came to my Legos or other favorite toys, sharing wasn’t such a simple task. But as time went on, I got better at sharing and saw the benefits (and lack of scoldings) that it generated. The ability to share is anRead… Read more »