
Do you walk the talk?

Republished from eGovAU. I have been having a few conversations over the last two days with a variety of web managers regarding the level of commitment by their organisations to their online channel. The response has been mixed. Some have a great deal of support and resourcing, others have interest but no resourcing and othersRead… Read more »


PARTS 1, 2, AND 3…ALL TOGETHER ON ONE PAGE!!! Twitterrific! The Most Useful Web 2.0 Apps/Tools For Twitter If you are trying to implement Twitter in your business or government social networking efforts, these apps and tools are my top picks for 2009: 1. TwitterAnalyzer: lets you see different statistic charts about you and yourRead… Read more »

HHS pandemic webcast next week.

US dept HHS holds a web cast every couple of months. Past secretary Mike Leavitt started the blog and webcasts to reach out to citizens and it has worked. Follow along on #planfirst on twitter Story:There has been an unprecedented effort to coordinate pandemic influenza planning on Federal, State and local levels. This coordination hasRead… Read more »

Twitter to the Rescue!

No, this isn’t about anything as dramatic as Demi Moore possibly helping to prevent a suicide. Just a couple of real-world examples that reminded me of when Doug Beizer included me in an article in Federal Computer Week, discussing how I use Twitter as a research tool. Today brought that article back to me. First,Read… Read more »

42 Ways You Can Help the Planet

AT HOME 1. ENERGY CONSERVATION. If every home in the United States replaced just one incandescent light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb (CFL), the energy saved would prevent greenhouse-gas emissions equivalent to taking 1 million cars off the road, says Arthur Rosenfeld, a physicist and member of the California Energy Commission. He alsoRead… Read more »