
The Kids are All Right – But Could be Better

Examining child care management solutions for state and local governments. Govies are hard workers – they’re techies, policy pros, and management rock stars. What’s easy to forget sometimes, is that they’re also moms and dads, aunts and uncles, guardians and godparents. Even for those not in these categories, many work in agencies that involve kids andRead… Read more »

Welcome to the Post-Password Era

Passwords: from setting up your first AOL account to completing a banking transaction on your cell, these applications have all had them. But the enduring use of passwords may soon become a thing of the past. At Thursday’s GovLoop Training, Ensuring Safe Access for Government Users: The Evolution of Identity Management, we talked with DanRead… Read more »

The End of the One-Size-Fits-All Model

Last month, GovLoop had several posts that showed some of the challenges facing healthcare professionals. One example? Matt Garlipp, our current GovLoop Research Fellow, shared how IBM’s Smarter Care initiative coordinates disparate healthcare systems to create more efficient and less costly outcomes for social programs. Smarter Care comes at a critical time for healthcare professionals.Read… Read more »

Why Information Governance Matters

Today, pretty much everything is going digital, including government information and documents. But for public agencies with outdated, hard copy records management systems, how do they handle demands to manage vast amounts of data and digitized documents? It’s no easy task, but the implementation of an effective information governance strategy is critical to agency performance.Read… Read more »

CIOs: Rock Stars of Public Innovation

Paul McCartney, Tommy Lee, Kurt Cobain, Mick Jagger. Regardless of our reasons, most of us idolize different rock stars. What if you could work with your favorite rock star? Better yet, what if your favorite rock star was the reason behind your industry’s success? Well, in the public innovation field, Chief Information Officers are theRead… Read more »

Twitter, Technology, and Customizable Education

Visual. Audio. Kinesthetic. What type of learner are you? We each have different wiring in our brains, so why assume that we all learn the same way? With traditional learning strategies, a generalized model tends to be applied to large groups of people, but this doesn’t always yield homogenous results in terms of comprehending theRead… Read more »

Improving Federal Customer Experience Is A National Security Imperative

Improving the U.S. federal customer experience (CX) is crucial to our nation’s long-term security. I’m not exaggerating. Improving federal CX is about far more than just boosting an agency’s ranking on the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) or raising a Net Promoter Score. It’s even about more than influencing the success or failure of major policies –Read… Read more »

Is Your Agency On The Road To Software-Defined IT?

Cloud, mobility, the Internet of Things – these transformative technologies mandate government agencies rethink their IT strategies. Now, more than ever before, the federal government needs to rapidly deploy innovative capabilities to support a more connected and automated environment. A growing number of connections and a steadily rising influx of data to manage are creatingRead… Read more »