
Open Source Software in the US Gov and Military

Open means having access. In the Dept. of Defense we need to ensure/create/enable open access to tax-payer funded technology, period. Tax-payer funded software development needs to be openly available to all (except for really classified stuff). This means that we will need to figure out the acquisitions mechanisms needed to ensure that the intellectual propertyRead… Read more »

Terrorists In Our Midst

A Washington Post report on Sunday, July 6, 2008, confirmed what most everyone in law enforcement and intelligence circles already knew – terrorists are and have always been here. And they’re returning. As the government cracks down on what allowed 19 terrorists into the country previously (student visas) and gave them identities (false drivers licenses),Read… Read more »

Social Media and the Federal Government: Perceived and Real Barriers and Potential Solutions

Social Media and the Federal Government: Perceived and Real Barriers and Potential Solutions SocialMediaFed Govt_BarriersPotentialSolutions.pdf December 23, 2008 Produced by the following members of the Federal Web Managers Council: Bev Godwin, GSA/ (Executive sponsor) Sheila Campbell, GSA/ (Co-chair) Rachel Flagg, Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (Co-chair) Jeffrey Levy, EPA (Co-chair, Social media sub-council) JoyceRead… Read more »

Cell Phone PsyOps – How To Text Fear

Full article HERE at The Thin Blue Online As the conflict between Israel and Hamas keeps going, some new and not-so-new tactics are being used by each side – cell phone PsyOps (psychological operations). From Ynet News: The message read: “Rockets on all cities, shelters not protect, Qassam rocket, Hamas.” A source in Hamas militaryRead… Read more »