
Annoucements 2.0

At EPA, we have a newly confirmed Administrator-designate, Lisa Jackson. I look forward to working with her team. Our first effort on her behalf was posting her post-confirmation statement and a memo to employees in multiple places: EPA home page, in a banner at the top, in English and Spanish our Facebook page Twitter TheRead… Read more »

SOA is Dead, Will it Become a Zombie?

I came to my own realization that SOA, as an industry term, was on its way out last summer. As a concept, it’s wonderful and some people have accomplished great things by following the SOA paradigm. I found it interesting that Anne Thomas Manes, an industry thought leader in SOA, would be presenting a “SOARead… Read more »

Two Inauguration Negatives – Groaning & Garbage

By now you’ve either heard or read every possible perspective on what occurred in my fair city of Washington, DC over the past several days. I’m sure you’ve enjoyed the tears, cheers, speeches, marches and balls supplemented by 7×24 coverage, countdowns, videos, pictures, satellite images and punditry. If you’re thinking, “Enough already!”, you’re not alone.Read… Read more »

Microsoft FutureFed: Gov 2.0 – What does it mean to the Federal Government?

Amid the excitement and flurry surrounding a new administration, Federal agencies and workers must remember the call for transparency and accountability. To do so, they must understand and embrace the concept of “Gov 2.0.” Like Web 2.0, taking advantage of Internet technology and Web design, Gov. 2.0 will, according to the Wikipedia definition, “enhance creativity,Read… Read more »

President Obama and Social Media: Dreams and Reality

This is an article that I wrote for publication called “Media Bullseye.” Thought that it might be timely and I hope that you guys enjoy. Mark President Obama and Social Media: Dreams and Reality Shortly after the November elections, I began a meme, asking some brighter minds than my own what they thought the impactRead… Read more »

Clear and Present Danger: MS-13

If there ever was a clear and present danger to national security, it’s MS-13. In a national assessment released January 2008, the FBI noted: “They perpetrate violence—from assaults to homicides, using firearms, machetes, or blunt objects—to intimidate rival gangs, law enforcement, and the general public. They often target middle and high school students for recruitment.Read… Read more »

New President – New WhiteHouse.Gov

President Obama has launched a newly revamped that features more Web 2.0 and interactive features, in an effort to continue his move towards transparency and engaging the public. In short, it’s now cool. White House The media’s reaction to the unveiling: CNN

Virginia Tech 78 #1 Wake Forest 71

Who’s a giant killer, baby? #1 Wake Forest goes down to the Virginia Tech Hokies!! Another post later this week… but, please, can someone tell the Hokie Guru if Chas McFarland should be suspended by the Atlantic Coast Conference for a game?