
What are your Social Media Resolutions for 2009?

This post originally appeared on my external blog, “Social Media Strategery.” The Internet is filled with end of year reviews, highlight articles, and wrap-ups. Predictions for what will and won’t happen in 2009 are also a popular topic for bloggers this time of year. There’s plenty of nostalgia and speculation out there already – IRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Eye Opener: Dec. 30, 2008

Good morning! Don’t forget to sign up for The Eye’s twitter feed, submit your questions about the Federal government for The Eye to answer and submit your news tips, comments and questions to Now to the news… • Chicago Schools a U.S. Model?: Barack Obama’s pick for education secretary, Arne Duncan will bring hisRead… Read more »

Who’s Leading the Charge to Web 2.0?

Today I read a recently released white paper, Government 2.0: Building Communities with Web 2.0 and Social Networking. Overall, I thought the paper did a good job summarizing much of the ongoing, online discussions and research on this topic. However, I sensed an underlying attitude that concerned me as a government employee. This unspoken, read-between-the-linesRead… Read more » – Submit Your Story Today

My job as a civil investigator for a metropolitan City Attorney’s Office means seeing the best and worst of citizens and government employees. Happily, it often involves rooting out abuse and fraud. I’ve done everything from helped inspect homes owned by hoarder-clutters overflowing with old computer parts, to raiding massage parlors in an operation toRead… Read more »

Propagating Citizen 2.0 – The intent of my blog is to increase the acceptance and practice of Web 2.0 concepts in governance. I believe in a basic libertarian ideal of self-determination, but also in a strong central government to provide security and a baseline standard of living and health. Underpinning my political philosophy is a raging populistRead… Read more »