
Low-hanging Fruit for Your Stimulus Basket

Ever since our city first became aware of the possibility of a federal stimulus package focusing on public works, we have been busy as bees finding “shovel-ready” projects to submit for funding. Because I realize efforts like ours are now going on all over the U.S., I thought it might be helpful to post someRead… Read more »

GovLoop Contest Winner – George Washington University!

The GovLoop Battle of Colleges Charity Contested has officially ended with the winner being the George Washington University. 2nd place goes to George Mason University and 3rd place goes to American University. Despite our range of members, I guess the D.C. connection is strong although if given another week or so I’m guessing you wouldRead… Read more »

GovLoop’s Bureaucrat on Sports – Heisman Trophy Edition and Queen City Pick

Ho, Ho, Hokies!!! 🙂 Today, President Bush declared December 26, 2008 a federal holiday for most federal workers (with the exception of essential employees). You can see the text of his Executive Order right here. The Hokie Guru is all for President-Elect Obama continuing this tradition. More time to watch college football bowl games. Yep,Read… Read more »

Brain Drain in the Intelligence Community?

Ed O’Keefe’s Federal Eye blog this morning had an enlightening post about how many of the leaders in the intelligence community are baby-boomers poised for retirement. In fact, there was a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing yesterday that highlighted these concerns. To be more precise, the Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission putRead… Read more »

Applying Crowdsourcing/Collaborative Models in a Government Environment

This is the third of three in a mini-series of blog entries. In the first blog entry, I described Gov 2.0 as a world of “permeable boundaries”, characterized by crowdsourcing and collaboration, and described the challenges that created for leadership. In the second blog entry I looked at some model organizations that are already workingRead… Read more »

From Microsoft FutureFed: Innovative technology to maximize government interaction

Microsoft just launched a blog called FutureFed and it has some great content about technology and the government. Here’s a recent post about Transparency and the Government: President-Elect Obama campaigned in an unconventional and transformational way, using the Internet to link people together, collaborate, and provide information. He has proven that he and his teamRead… Read more »

Social Media Day, a learning experience

Overall, I believe the Technology Services’ (NIST) Social Media Day was a success. Dr. Jean-Claude Bradley shared his experience with creating and using Open Notebook Science that will hopefully inspire some of our scientists to see the value in web 2.0 tools to help them with their work. And his work with solubility may becomeRead… Read more »