
Are You Using GovTwit Yet?

As folks in this community know well, more and more people in and around government are using the social media platform Twitter. Twitter allows users to create a community of interest and shared information via “tweets” of 140 characters or less. Government users have created a vibrant and active community using Twitter daily to talkRead… Read more »

Getting Started

I am currently working on an initiative to bring web 2.0 technologies into the county that I work for. I admit that I have not been a user of much of this technology, mostly because of time I think, however I have started reading about and using this type of technology to get started withRead… Read more »

Twitter Outreach

We just set up a twitter account ( in hopes of using it as another source of distribution to the press and citizens. So, I’ve been poking around online and discovered a few articles of interest. The Pioneer Press on Twitter Learn about micro blogging and join our reporters in the Twitterverse Twitter usage byRead… Read more »

Center for American Progress Calls for Increased Contractor Scrutiny

It seems that accountability will be the name of the game in 2009. The Center for American Progress recently issued a report called, “Making Contracting Work for the United States,” which states that recent laws that require more disclosure by government contractors don’t do enough to regulate those companies. Although there has been progress withRead… Read more »

Models of Leadership in a Crowdsourcing/Collaborative Environment.

This is the second of mini-series of three blog entries. In the first blog entry, I described Gov 2.0 as a world of “permeable boundaries”, characterized by crowdsourcing and collaboration, and described the challenges that created for leadership. In this blog entry I’ll look at some model organizations that are already working (and very effectively)Read… Read more »

USGS Video and Image Gallery

Note: This post is of my own personal opinion and is not endorsed or supported by any local, state, or federal government agency. I know this is for blog posts, but I wanted to put the word out that we [U.S. Geological Survey] have launched a new USGS Video and Image Gallery. We’re pretty excitedRead… Read more »

USAID Development 2.0 Challenge – THIS WEEK ONLY!

Hi everyone, Just a quick post here to bring an initiative to your attention. Through the USAID Development 2.0 Challenge, you and I are able to vote on our favorite international projects at: Register, login and vote! But hurry because they’ve limited feedback to December 8 -12! The world is waiting… UPDATE: There areRead… Read more »

Separating the Personal and Professional Self on the Social Web

As a government communicator, I am always very aware of how I represent my organization when speaking (or blogging) in a professional capacity. As a self-proclaimed early adopter and all-around geek girl, I consider myself a consumer of media and a social experimenter. As a web strategist, I spend much of my personal time experimentingRead… Read more »