
Bridges 2.0: how applying Web 2.0 tools — and attitudes — to public works can cut costs and contribute to economic recovery

I had an op-ed in Engineering News Record, the “bible” of the engineering and construction industry, this week, dealing with what I call “Bridges 2.O,” how using Web 2.0 tools such as wikis and structured data feeds, and, equally important, the Web 2.0 ethos of collaboration, can revolutionize public works projects. As I point out,Read… Read more »

Twick or Tweet?

Alyssa Rosenberg at FedBlog made me want to step up my game by getting on Twitter with this post. (Speaking of which, I heart FedBlog, especially now that they seem to have hired a full-time blogger.) But I am resisting lest the temptation to live-tweet boring meetings overwhelm me. It feels kind of like aRead… Read more »

Social Media, Millennials and Obama…and FDR?

Originally posted at The GenerationShift Blog: There is no doubt that social media and the Millennials were two intertwined forces that propelled Obama to the Presidency. Offering evidence to the idea that Obama will be the first President to use web-based, social media as a primary communications tool, this morning I saw a link onRead… Read more »

FACA 2.0: Social MEdia and the Federal Advisory Committee Act, the Art of the Possible

I’m the Executive Secretary of the National Maritime Security Advisory Committee (NMSAC). FACA is a fabulous idea, with the goal of keeping the public aware of what’s going on in their governemnt, but the rules are antiquated and mired in bureaucratic. The bottom line is that it’s not nimble enough to deal with the rapidRead… Read more »

A Patriot’s Reading List

No matter which side of the political fence you’re on, these books should prove engaging and enlightening, not to mention pertinent to our time. (If you are uber pro-Bush then you might enjoy the Fareed Zakaria and Reza Aslan books more than the more lefty works). This is just a small collection of some thatRead… Read more »

Presidential Transition Update from The Council for Excellence in Government

Following a lengthy Presidential campaign and the historic election of President-elect Barack Obama, all eyes are now on the Presidential Transition. Selecting a team of excellent appointees, getting them on the job or shortly after January 20, and preparing them to hit the ground running to address urgent challenges are Jobs One, Two and ThreeRead… Read more »

YGL – Web 2.0 as an enabler in Federal Government

Web 2.0: What is it? Who’s using it? How to introduce it in your organization? What to expect from a new national administration in 2009? On October 22, 2008, these questions and more were answered at the Web 2.0 event sponsored by Young Government Leaders (YGL), in coordination with our partners at the National AcademyRead… Read more »

My review of Sitka, Alaska

My new friend Mark Danielson asked me to do a review of Sitka, Alaska thank you for the idea for review and I hope that you still want to be firends afterwards *smile* Sitka, Alaska This is a small city and like a lot of the small cities it does not fit inRead… Read more »