
GovLoop’s Bureaucrat on College Sports – Three Teams That Could Crash the Bowl Championship Series

According to the Free Dictionary, an underdog is one that is expected to lose a contest or struggle, as in sports or politics. Americans have always supported the underdog. In 1980, the United States Olympic Hockey Team shocked the world when it defeated the former Soviet Union. In 1998, Minnesotans shocked the country by electingRead… Read more »

GovLoop’s Bureaucrat on College Sports – Ranking the Big 12 Football Bowl Subdivision Teams

Don’t forget about GovLoop’s membership drive. Get us to 1000 members by the end of August. And then enjoy some Starbucks coffee (or Diet Mountain Dew). Labor Day, one of the 2008 Federal Holidays, is fast approaching. This all means that college football is right around the corner. The first game is on August 28,Read… Read more »

GovLoop’s Bureaucrat on College Sports – Ranking the PAC-10 Football Bowl Subdivision Teams

The Hokie Guru welcomes you to the sports blogosphere only on GovLoop. We continue our tradition of speaking in the third person. Today, we take a look at the Pacific-10 Conference (Pac-10) Football Bowl Subdivision teams. In December 1915, the Pac-10 was founded at a meeting at the Oregon Hotel in Portland, Oregon. The originalRead… Read more »

What’s the Matter with Kansas?

It’s good to be back after a few weeks on the road. I knew my trip to Kansas would provide fodder for the blog. First, I’ll admit it: I am a latte-drinking, coastal-living (until recently), blue-state elitist. But every time I go on an obligatory trip to the “heartland” (and obligatory is the only reasonRead… Read more »

GovLoop’s Bureaucrat on College Sports – Ranking the SEC Football Bowl Subdivision Teams

Guess what? The Hokie Guru is on annual leave (e.g. vacation) at Cedar Crest Resort on beautiful White Earth Lake in Minnesota. The Hokie Guru accrues six hours of annual leave every pay period (which is every two weeks). In May 2010, the Hokie Guru will accrue eight hours every pay period. You can findRead… Read more »

Greetings From YGL-Bethesda!

Hi Everyone! I’m the house blogger and President of the Bethesda Chapter of Young Government Leaders. As part of my duties I am locked in a perpetual battle to post relevant, insightful and occasionally entertaining content to Apparently my struggle caught the eye of Steve, who has graciously asked me to cross post myRead… Read more »