
Federal News Radio

I’m often amazed and surprised by the stuff I find during Google searches for something completely different. Today, my serendipitous find was Federal News Radio. This Internet/AM radio station broadcasts online at was founded in Februrary, 2000. It was apparently the first internet-only, all-news radio station. It is also the first internet radioRead… Read more »

Social Media for Government

Just spent a couple days in conf. sessions learning how a few gov entities are using social media to communicate with public, press and intra/inter-agency. I was surprised that so few in the audience were aware of the collaboration tools, let alone using them to carry out mission communications. A hopeful note: transparancy and informationRead… Read more »

Presidential Transition 2008

Just joined GovLoop at the recommendation of Steve Kelman! Looks like this is a long-needed forum for public sector employees and I’m interested in helping bring both content and connections. The IBM Center for The Business of Government offers thought leadereship resources for government managers on a wide range of topics. It commissions research fromRead… Read more »

Impact of the Generations and Web 2.0 on Government

Hello everyone, I just learned about GovLoop today and joined immediately. What a great concept! If you like Web 2.0 tools and are curious to learn more about the impact of the four generations on the Federal workforce, I would invite you visit my blog: Look for a blog entry about GovLoop soon. GladRead… Read more »

GovLoop’s Bureaucrat on Sports

Welcome to the Hokie Guru’s inaugural post on GovLoop. The Hokie Guru commonly refers to himself in the third person, similar to Jimmy from Seinfeld. However, please do not refer to yourself in the third person when you are writing in the federal government. Remember; use “plain language.” GovLoop has endorsed the Hokie Guru asRead… Read more »

YGL – Taking Control of Your Federal Career

Starting today, Young Government Leaders will cross-post their weekly blog on GovLoop. This is a great series written by the executive board of YGL with topics ranging from mentoring, leadership, to managing life outside the office. Please check out the original blog at the YGL website We will begin by posting a few of myRead… Read more »

Success is That Easy

Since my last post discussed dealing with failure, I wanted to come back with a blog on success. I once wrote a 800 word essay with tips for success for Gen Y. While it never came out (you can thank some merciless editors), I don’t think I need 800 words to summarize my article. YouRead… Read more »