
Preparing for the Internet of Things: What Does it Mean?

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Imagine a manufacturing revolution where the average person can make anything they want from digital designs. In this revolution those with the most to gain aren’t major companies but the consumers. You don’t have to imagine it. At the Smithsonian they are building 3D replicas of artifacts. Meet the team makingRead… Read more »

3D Printing: Smithsonian Exhibits

3D printing has the potential to change everything. Imagine a manufacturing revolution where the average person can make anything they want from digital designs. In this revolution those with the most to gain aren’t major companies but the consumers. Adam Metallo, Günter Waibel, and Vincent Rossi are leading the way in 3D printing and empoweringRead… Read more »

A Data Sharing Disclosure Standard?

[Summary: Iterations on a proposal for a public register of government data sharing arrangements, setting out options for a Data Sharing Disclosure Standard to be used whenever government shares personal data. Draft for interactive comments here (and PDF for those in govt without access to Google Docs )] At the instigation of the UK CabinetRead… Read more »

Serving the Emergency Response Community

Originally published at It’s an honor serving the public and emergency response community as the Web and New Media Manager for the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet). We have a great core of staff and communications team who are all working to fulfill the mission and to support the nation’s first responders, public safetyRead… Read more »

Bridging Fundamental Discontinuity in IT

 1. Introduction IT has been a major productivity tool for business and government over the past few decades. Indeed, the day to day working of the global economy has become dependent on a myriad of computer systems. However, a fundamental discontinuity in IT needs to be bridged to maximise its benefit in the future. BridgingRead… Read more »

What is Platform-as-a-Service?

If your agency isn’t currently deploying Platform-as-a-Service, it’s a safe bet it will be soon. That’s because PaaS is projected to grow at a compound annual rate of 41 percent through 2016, according to Market Monitor. The civil side of the federal government expects to spend $643 million on PaaS next year. The investment representsRead… Read more »

Trends in Government Innovation

This post was originally published on Ideas & Execution. The role of technology and design in government is undergoing a significant change. As digital and mobile technology advance, user-centered design and open source platforms are changing from nice-to-haves to necessities in the public sector. There is growing recognition in public institutions that the slow paceRead… Read more »

GAO’s take on – Plus the 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: “Emotional intelligence.” The phrase conjures the image of a therapist and a couch, but in reality being more emotionally intelligent you can help relieve stress, help you communicate effectively, help you empathize with others, overcome challenges, and defuse conflict. Being emotionally intelligent is one of the keys to mastering your career.Read… Read more »