
5 Dos and Don’ts of Priority or Outcome-Based Budgeting

Performance-based budgeting or budgeting for outcomes (BFO) has taken center stage and not in the best light. Earlier this summer, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) introduced the world to BFO — the idea of linking spending to performance — and showed how unrealistic goals, inadequately managed performance measurement systems and improperly used, inaccurate dataRead… Read more »

Alan Balutis Talks Potential New Legislation

Everyone is talking about IT reform – but does anyone know how to implement it? Doesn’t seem like it. It’s like your friend who just learned a new word but constantly keeps using it incorrectly. Legislators just learned about IT procurement, but don’t have the knowledge to apply it well. Many CIOs, however, have ideasRead… Read more »

Are You Ready for the Internet of Things?

Dr. Michael Chui, partner and senior fellow at McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) speaking at GovLoop’s The Internet of Things: The Connected Government event. The physical world is turning into an information super highway. Yes, this might sound like science fiction and something out of Star Trek, but much of our physical infrastructure is now connectedRead… Read more »

Re-Imagining Cloud With Open Source

GovLoop’s recent guide, How Cloud is Reinventing Government, explores the how cloud is helping agencies unlock innovation and improve service delivery. The report includes four government case studies, best practices and insights from industry leaders. Below is an excerpt from our guide. Read the full report here. Government has used open source solutions in aRead… Read more »

Ten Rules for Developing Knowledge Management Solutions

One of the hot topics in many organizations right now is knowledge management. Whether its in the context of customer service, business strategy, human resources, or information technology managing knowledge is a serious concern in most organizations. Whenever one of these projects or programs is getting ramped up the temptation is always there to tryRead… Read more »

Preparing for the Internet of Things: What Does it Mean?

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Imagine a manufacturing revolution where the average person can make anything they want from digital designs. In this revolution those with the most to gain aren’t major companies but the consumers. You don’t have to imagine it. At the Smithsonian they are building 3D replicas of artifacts. Meet the team makingRead… Read more »

3D Printing: Smithsonian Exhibits

3D printing has the potential to change everything. Imagine a manufacturing revolution where the average person can make anything they want from digital designs. In this revolution those with the most to gain aren’t major companies but the consumers. Adam Metallo, Günter Waibel, and Vincent Rossi are leading the way in 3D printing and empoweringRead… Read more »

A Data Sharing Disclosure Standard?

[Summary: Iterations on a proposal for a public register of government data sharing arrangements, setting out options for a Data Sharing Disclosure Standard to be used whenever government shares personal data. Draft for interactive comments here (and PDF for those in govt without access to Google Docs )] At the instigation of the UK CabinetRead… Read more »