
The Challenges of Current State Transparency Models

“A good set of financials tells the story of your enterprise. Transparency should do the same.” Our citizens (all of us) work hard to generate tax dollars to support government programs to improve the quality of life. If you are like me, you believe Americans have the right know where and how their tax dollarsRead… Read more »

The rapidly changing workplace — and what it means for government – Plus the 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Back in July of 2013 the president released his management agenda, which focused on three main goals: finding new ways to deliver government services more quickly and conveniently; cutting duplicative and unnecessary programs; and expanding the numbers and type of government data sets provided online. It was a powerful agenda, butRead… Read more »

When COTS Does — and Doesn’t — Make Sense

In my previous post, I talked about the benefits of having a skunk works of federal developers. How can this team help with your Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) software choices? Your internal development team cannot (and should not!) build every piece of software you need. They should focus on unique, mission specific processes thatRead… Read more »

How Dumb Policies Scare Tech Giants Away From Federal Projects – Plus 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The Data Act was just signed into law – and it’s going to have far-reaching effects on federal agencies and hundreds of thousands of recipient of federal funds So what can you expect? We get answers from TechAmerica’s Mike Hettinger. You can find all of our programs online: and GovLoopRead… Read more »

How to Lead in Technology Recruiting

Finding and keeping technology talent is perhaps the most important activity leadership can focus on in an organization. As the needs of the larger organization grow, so do the demands for services. New compliance regulations? Find a technology solution to manage that. New field operation? Go get some technology to enable them to communicate andRead… Read more »

Pro-Tip: Secure Not Just the Device, But the Data Too

Our recent mobile report explored many factors shaping the future of government mobility. But one aspect we didn’t touch on in the report was the concept of geo-fencing. Simply put, geo-fencing technology provides agencies with the ability to control mobile use in a defined location. During an interview with Joe Marenin, US EliteBook Product ManagerRead… Read more »

The Case for More In-House Development: How a Skunk Works Saves Money in the Long Run

On the surface it makes perfect sense. Outsource your development efforts. When the development is done, the contract developers leave and you’re not paying for their time. Makes more efficient use of your IT dollars! Better! Faster! Cheaper! However, not having skilled developers available misses out on an essential skill set to make your organizationRead… Read more »

It’s Time to Go Mobile: Here’s How

GovLoop’s latest guide on mobile security serves as a resource to help agencies understand how to safely and securely adopt mobile in government. Our report includes a handful of best practices, government case studies and a mobile security cheat sheet to help educate and empower the government community. We interviewed Wilbur Smith, ‎Systems Engineer atRead… Read more »

The 5 Biggest Challenges of Doing Social Media in the Public Sector

The case for the presence of the public sector on social media no longer needs to be made. Social media is where the public is, so social media is where public sector organizations (PSOs) need to be if they are serious about service to the public. This doesn’t mean it’s all smooth sailing for theRead… Read more »