
Are Cloud Brokers the Way of the Future?

Everything we do in today’s complex IT world revolves around the need to secure the enterprise. Without having the confidence that data and information is protected, adoption will be stifled, innovation will suffer and services will not be delivered efficiently and effectively. With increasing demand from citizens to provide modernized services, agencies are looking toRead… Read more »

How to Build Resilient Communities [Infographic]

Technology is changing the way your municipality prepares, responds and mitigates the impacts of a crisis. Cloud, mobile and geographic information systems (GIS) have been game-changers for government. They are helping governments leverage technology to build resilient communities. But what happens when cloud, mobile and GIS are viewed as integrative solutions rather than operating silos?Read… Read more »

Geospatial Intel Meets Entity Resolution: The Who, What, When, Where — and Quest for Why

Inspired by the many conversations we had at the recent GEOINT Symposium about how geospatial data can become an ideal pivot point for an entity resolution system, the time is here to transition from When and Where to Who and What –as well as the elusive Why. Eyes On the Earth Geospatial imagery abounds. ThereRead… Read more »

Opening Up the Fiscal Blinds – Data Act Mandates Transparency

Do you know where your money is being spent in the government? Now you will. Legislation mandating detailed reporting on federal spending passed the House Monday and is heading for President Obama’s signature. The Digital Accountability and Transparency Act —also called the DATA Act —would expand agency transparency requirements to include spending data for allRead… Read more »

Staying Secure by Protecting Your Data

One of the most pressing challenges facing government agencies is the ability to guard against cyberattacks. GovLoop’s recent cybersecurity event covered the some of the findings from our recent GovLoop report, and connected industry and public sector professionals to collaborate and share best practices to improve government’s security. During the industry panel, Andy Bonillo, DirectorRead… Read more »

How to manage Internet Security software in your PC

Responsibility to manage Internet Security begins with an individual. The risks are always there and the following are a few practical steps, which you as a responsible individual can take to improve the security of your network. Refrain using shared/public systems: Do not use public computers for carrying out transactions such as investment transactions orRead… Read more »