
Open Gov Defined – More Than A Noun, A Verb Of Gov Transformation

If you ask 20 people to define open government, you will get 20 different responses. The lack of uniformed definitions makes implementing open government services very difficult. It would be like asking a pastry chef to bake a cherry pie and then providing 20 different recipes. The chef would have no idea which pie youRead… Read more »

The SAPLING Approach to Leveraging Social Media

Everybody’s doing it. Should you? Are you trying to decide whether to create a stronger digital presence? Have you dabbled with social media but aren’t sure what to do next? Have you experimented with different tools and technologies and find you’re disappointed by the results? If you (or someone you know) can answer “yes” toRead… Read more »

Surviving the Next Skill Wave as Public Employees

NPR recently posed the following question: Do we all need to learn how to code software? According to the article, both Democrat and Republican leaders have expressed a desire to make programming a core skillset, placing it on equal footing with reading, math, and foreign language training. “Becoming literate in code is as essential toRead… Read more »

Tailor-Made: How GIS is Powering Innovation for Global Aid

As organizations continue to collect, manage and create more data than ever before, administrators are looking for innovative ways to unlock insights and value from data. In the global aid sector, there is a dire need for improved transparency and program evaluation through data. In many cases, GIS and data is the key to meetingRead… Read more »

Say Goodbye to Long DMV Lines, Forever

In 2003, I had a single-minded focus, get my drivers license. Like most 16 year olds, getting my license meant freedom, and I was ready to take any measure necessary to achieve the open road. But one thing stood in my way, the dreaded DMV. I can remember vividly waiting in line for over fourRead… Read more »

Patients Like Me

For over five years now, I’ve mentioned Patients Like Me in nearly all of my “digital engagement” related speeches. It is one of my favourite examples of big data used to improve actual lives. What is it? An online social network dedicated primarily to chronically ill patients. How does it work? Patients fill out theirRead… Read more »

College Made Easier with Open Data – Plus Your Weekend Reads!

Going to college is an exciting, terrifying and downright confusing time for students and parents alike. Choosing the right college is a difficult choice. Paying for that college is tricky and figuring out student aid is almost impossible. That is why the White House Innovation fellows were tasked with opening up Education Department data toRead… Read more »

Top 10 ways to avoid contract oversight

While contract oversight and transparency is a lofty goal, some folks would rather avoid it. Here is my top ten list of how to avoid contract oversight: Keep contract documents in paper files, preferably in piles on your desk. Purge your email frequently and (accidentally) delete contract files. Don’t keep a record of your communicationsRead… Read more »

Government’s Mobile Technology Revolution

Mobile technologies are rapidly transforming nearly every aspect of our personal and professional lives. In fact, the proliferation of social media seems impossible without the widespread use of mobile devices. Meanwhile, companies are discovering cost efficiencies and flexibility of access – through tablets and smartphones – by moving their entire business operations to the cloud.Read… Read more »

Clarity from Complexity: GIS Delivers for Transportation Leaders

In today’s world, understanding how our interactions relate to geography is essential. It’s just this simple: comprehending the complexities our world requires that we understand how we interact with geography. This is why we’ve seen countless examples of government agencies developing and implementing tools that visualize spatial data and information. Often we have seen theRead… Read more »