
5 Main Barriers to Digital Engagement

Summary: There are five main barriers to digital engagement by organizations, their leaders, and other senior professionals. This post describes those barriers – including lack of knowledge and understanding, framing that leads to risk aversion, poor/no roadmaps, and inadequate resource allocation – as well as the factors that will help break them down. Additional insightsRead… Read more »

9 Strategies to Transform Your Communications Plan

The Pew Internet and American Life Project recently shared their annual report on social media. The survey finds that Facebook still is the leading social networking site, but others continue to gain in popularity. One of the interesting statistics was finding out usage patterns for social media sites (see image to right). Some of theRead… Read more »

Why ECM is Essential to Developing Your Government Web Portal

Government web portals have transformed the way that government engages with constituents. Due to advancements in the private sector, constituents are now use to conducting basic services online. Portals can become the one-stop-shops to access government services. As more and more people leverage the web to interact with government, it is now expected that governmentRead… Read more »

It’s all because of Snowden – Really?

You can’t open a government trade publication these days without bumping into some article about Edward Snowden, and not just US focused publications. His story has had global coverage. There is no doubt his actions are forcing change, for better or worse, within governments around the world. Just this morning, as I was perusing throughRead… Read more »


For the past few years, I’ve dedicated many of my nights and weekends to supporting California’s schools as a volunteer and director at two education nonprofits. That experience has solidified some nagging doubts about the foundations of our education system that began when I was a student in California public schools more than a decadeRead… Read more »

12 Tips on Mobile Security from 2 Senior Executives in Government

In our most recent resource entitled, “Agency of the Future: Guide to Mobile Security in Government” (you can download it here), I had the chance to interview two senior leaders in government: Rick Holgate, chief information officer at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Bradley Nix, chief information security officer at the DepartmentRead… Read more »

5 Ways to Make Analytics a Reality at Your Agency

Just like water, data flows from many different places and can be difficult to control. “Information is our generation’s next natural resource,” said Ginni Rometty, IBM CEO. But using analytics to uncover, capture, and mind trends in information can help agencies lower costs, maximize limited resources, and improve overall operational efficiency. To help you understandRead… Read more »

The solution to procurement woes, people?

Hiring is one of the biggest challenges in government. Getting the right people in the right position is key for an effective government. Just as hiring the right NIH scientist is key to curing disease so too is hiring the right procurement official. However, well-trained procurement officials are hard to find and the lack ofRead… Read more »

Why are large procurements so complex? vs. Deepwater has been a massive contracting challenge from the onset. What went wrong? “Contractors have pointed the finger at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, citing insufficient guidance, inadequate resources, a lack of authority to lead the project and changes requested a month before the site went live. In testimony to the House CommitteeRead… Read more »