
Terrain Files for 3D Worlds

For some time I’ve experimented with creating terrain for use in 3D immersive spaces. Usually I am trying to alter DEM files to create simulations of project sites. But lately I’ve started to explore creating specific shapes or designs, and I think I’ve finally found a work flow that might make the whole process aRead… Read more »

WIT Invites You to “2014 CIO/CTO Agenda” Panel Discussion

Women in Technology (WIT) is putting together a panel discussion on January 16th titled “ 2014 CIO/CTO Agenda.” So far, we have Michele WeslanderQuaid, Chief Technology Officer (Public Sector) & Innovation Evangelist at Google, Linda Howard, Deputy CIO, SAIC, and Lisa Davis, CIO, Georgetown University confirm their participation in the panel. Our distinguished speakers willRead… Read more »

Are open government advocates our frenemies?

Open government advocates create both opportunities and headaches for public administrators. On one hand, exposing government’s information and internal processes to the public strengthens democratic control–a core value of many public administrators. And greater openness can admit creativity and innovation that advance an agency’s mission. But on the other hand, public administrators work in anRead… Read more »

The Intentional Stack: Technology Choices in Civic Projects

An oft-discussed subject in the civic tech world is the cavernous divide in the underlying technologies used by the private tech sector as opposed to those used by government entities. Some stylized examples: open source vs. proprietary; Ruby on Rails vs. .NET; cloud services like Heroku or Amazon Web Services vs. in-house server hosting; Unix-yRead… Read more »

GOV 2.0 Gift Guide: Rest & Reflection for 2013

This holiday season you may be traveling far and wide in search of some R&R before the coming year, you might be reconnecting with family, you may be working yourself to the bone as 2014 too quickly approaches, or perhaps headed to one last holiday fiesta. What I often find during the holiday season, betweenRead… Read more »

Tell Us: What’s on Your Organization’s IT Resolutions List for 2014?

Can you believe that it’s already that time of the year when we all start reflecting on the past year, and begin to look forward to 2014? Who knows where the time goes, but things certainly are moving fast. As we look to 2014, what are some things that should be on your IT resolutionsRead… Read more »

My 8 Favorite Moments of 2013

Personally, I had an awesome 2013 on a number of levels. The GovLoop community has been growing (100k+ members, 20k+ taken online training), the GovLoop team has been rocking (up to 10, growing to 14 by end of January), and on a personal level it’s been fun to watch my son experience his 1st yearRead… Read more »