
DorobekINSIDER Live: Top Innovations of 2013: Looking Back, Looking Forward

A special edition of GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER today. We’re LIVE! It’s the 11th time we’ve met and we are doing this at least once each month this year. The idea is simple: get smart people together and share ideas because we believe that the real power of information comes when it is shared. 2013 may goRead… Read more »

What’s on your organization’s Christmas list?

Hopefully your organization isn’t on the naughty list… I have a daughter who is missing all of her front teeth; however she has opted against asking for front teeth for Christmas and is pushing Santa Clause for a Princess Diary with Lock and Keys. I think many organizations are hoping Santa brings them more stableRead… Read more »

Trend Tracking – 5 things to be on the lookout for in 2014

2013 is rapidly coming to a close, so it is time to look forward and take bets on what’s on the docket for the next 365 days. In our newest guide: 20 Innovations that Mattered in 2014, we peered into our crystal ball and made our forecast of the five biggest trends for next year.Read… Read more »

Greening the Government: Environmentally Preferable Purchasing for State and Local Governments

If you work for a state or local government agency, you may find it hard to believe that the US Federal government went green before it was hip. The signing of Executive Order 12873 in 1993 marked the launch of the EPA’s Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Program (EPP). While procurement for smaller governments can be aRead… Read more »

The 5 Biggest Trends of 2013 – Did We Miss Any?

Merriam Webster defines a trend as: to veer in a new direction. In 2013 government certainly veered into uncharted territory. The White House unveiled two new mandates that changed the way government protects and shares data. They also opened up the White House to leaders from the private sector to jump-start innovation. Libraries, on theRead… Read more »

Disparate Conclusions

I’m always amazed (frustrated?) at how often two or more groups can investigate a situation and walk away with very different conclusions, each substantiated by “facts”. One would think in this age of data and analytics it would be ever easier to have groups come to the same or, at least, similar conclusions because, inRead… Read more »

Twitter Best Practices: 11+ Tips for Tweeting Well

Summary: Targeted primarily to rookies, this guide offers a set of Twitter best practices that helps people maximize their ability to maintain a strong signal/noise ratio and avoid making mistakes that can hurt their individual professional and/or organizational brands. More experienced Tweeters – including mavens – may want to consider the advice and reconsider someRead… Read more »

How You Can Track Santa With NORAD

On Christmas Eve, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) will transform from protecting North American skies to tracking Santa Claus. Although most commonly known for tracking Santa, NORAD conducts essential work protecting American skies. If you’re unfamiliar with NORAD, it is a United States and Canada bi-national organization charged with the missions of aerospaceRead… Read more »

Mobile BI for Remote Workforce Enablement

One of the imperatives for government agencies is to develop strategies to improvise service response time, reduce operational costs, increase employee productivity, and increased collaboration. In this new era, where workplaces is flooded with smart devices , tablets and employers open policy like BYOD ( Bring your own device) is common, adapting mobile enterprise strategyRead… Read more »