
Insights from across the pond – Everyone is defaulting digital

Digital government goals are not just something that federal agencies in the US are striving for. In the UK, any new or redesigned service introduced after April 2014 will also have to meet a new Digital by Default standard. The Guardian notes, “Making the billion annual transactions between government, citizens and businesses “digital by default”Read… Read more »

Should the way the internet works, matter to you? – Part Two

Why should anyone care where the internet comes from? You log on to your computer daily, hourly, minutely. But do you know where the data is streaming from? Or how it works? Do you even care? Journalist Andrew Blum explained to the Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program, why you should care about where theRead… Read more »

38% of Government Professionals Are Using Open Source: Are You?

In our recent GovLoop survey we found that 38% of government professionals are using open source software at their agencies at a basic level. What benefits has leveraging open source brought these agencies? And what’s standing in the way of agencies taking their open source strategy to the next level? We asked these questions andRead… Read more »

A Journey to the Center of the Internet – Part One

Ever wonder where your Internet comes from or where it goes when it leaves your living room? After a squirrel took a bite out of his home internet cable, Journalist Andrew Blum decided to go on a mission to find where the internet is located. Seriously. His goal was to find the physical space thatRead… Read more »

Enterprise Portfolio MANAGEMENT isn’t Application Portfolio Optimization

The portfolio based approach that has been pioneered by companies like Troux and which is now part of the standard lexicon by which organizations discuss their enterprise information technology asset base is creating an incredible lens through which to understand the organization. It is useful however to distinguish between optimizing your current portfolio and buildingRead… Read more »

Digital Era Ideas: 21 Images

Summary: Twenty-one Denovati Group images convey a variety of Digital Era ideas in simple and memorable terms. These images are available for use by others, with proper attribution. (from the Denovati SMART Blog) Since 2009, when I first started giving presentations about social media and other digital technologies, I have tried to create colorful andRead… Read more »

Google’s Got Your Six

We celebrated Veterans’ Day last week with parades and much-deserved thank you’s for our veterans. This outpouring of support, however, is often not reflected in the civilian workforce where veterans have trouble finding jobs. Google wants to change that. Google believes that the best way to celebrate our veterans is by bringing them into theRead… Read more »

Join Us: GovLoop and Oracle Survey Explores Best Practices, Challenges and Future Outlook of Cloud Computing

Within your agency, cloud computing is serving an essential role in transforming how your agency delivers services and becomes more efficient. That’s why GovLoop and Oracle have partnered on a new research report exploring how agencies are leveraging cloud technology in their agency. Please take 10 minutes and complete our survey to help us asRead… Read more »

For Federal Agencies: What’s the Big Deal with Big Data? by Steve Krauss

Original post here: Public Spend Forum- the global destination for public procurement by Steve Krauss @PSpendForum “Big Data” is the Big Buzzword in government tech circles these days. At the recent American Council for Technology and Industry Advisory Council (ACT-IAC) Executive Leadership Conference (ELC) in Williamsburg, VA, it was clear that yesterday’s hot topic—movement toRead… Read more »

Government’s 21st Century Learning Community

What do you do as a government employee when you have a question on the job? You likely have four options: You “Google” it. You ask a colleague. You look for a relevant document on your desk, desktop computer or shared drive. You try to see if there’s an upcoming training that can help you.Read… Read more »