
GTRA SecureGOV Technology Council Meeting – December 8 – 10 – Lansdowne, Leesburg, VA

Please join us! GTRA SecureGOV Technology Council Meeting December 8 – 10, 2013 Lansdowne 44050 Woodridge Parkway, Leesburg, Virginia 20176 Security in a New Federal Landscape: Priorities, Technologies & Innovation Securing our nation’s IT assets and systems has been complicated by a lack of resources, less ownership of systems & infrastructure due to theRead… Read more »

A Technology Plan for a new Mayor

The City of Seattle just elected a new Mayor, Ed Murray. He’s not a technology guru, but nevertheless could rapidly harness tech to significantly improve municipal government in Seattle. This same sort of technology plan is really applicable to many cities and most governments. Here it is: 1. Appoint a Chief Innovation Officer. 2. JoinRead… Read more »

How Popvox Can Improve National Dialogue

Marci Harris, founder of Popvox, recently spoke at a GovLoop and Esri meetup. Harris said, “We [Popvox] are a neutral, nonpartisan platform for civic engagement and legislative information.” Harris also provide insights to way she founded the company, “The idea of Popvox was to connect the world, advocacy groups, congress and people sharing their ideasRead… Read more »

Clash of the Cloud Titans

Way back in 2012, it was discussed that “Amazon is Coke, and there is no Pepsi.” The closest competitor then might have been Rackspace, (but maybe not in the Federal space – I think I heard a rumor that they weren’t planning on applying for a FedRAMP certification). Of course 2012 was ages ago, andRead… Read more »

HR Tech Conference 2013: Reflections and Images

Summary: As evidenced by the vendors and service providers who participated in the 2013 HR Tech Conference Expo Hall in Las Vegas earlier this month, the HR industry continues to make significant progress developing and leveraging social and digital technologies. This post shares my impressions from the event and includes a slide deck that illustratesRead… Read more »

Closing the Tech Gap by Closing the Education Gap: Insights from The State Department

“To close the technology gap, we need everyone. We need girls whose cultures don’t value their education. We need talented people who live in poverty. We need everyone.” -Lila Ibrahim, President, Coursera I recently attended the Tech@State:EdTech event, a forum dedicated to leveraging education technology to aid U.S. diplomacy and development. There were many innovativeRead… Read more »

Virtual Conferences in Government: 6 Tips and 4 Benefits

In the midst of sequestration cuts and strained budgets, virtual events are emerging as a creative solution for delivering professional training in government at a low cost. Planning and organizing these virtual events and training, however, is a new experience for many agency professionals. Hoping to glean some tips on how to make the transitionRead… Read more »

Mind Meld – How industry and government can think together

The U.S. Department of Labor Statistics reports the number of “open” jobs — positions that employers advertise but have not found “qualified” applicants for — has doubled from 1,900,000 jobs in June 2009 to 3,900,000 vacant positions in June 2013. Most of those positions fall in the IT category. “Government and Industry need to workRead… Read more »