
The Washington Redskins need a name change – and so do these terms

President Obama recently suggested that the Washington Redskins change their name to something less offensive. Owner Dan Snyder responded last week with an impassioned letter that ends “We are Redskins Nation … and we owe it to our fans and coaches and players, past and present, to preserve that heritage.” I imagine this same toneRead… Read more »

Big Data, Small Carbon Footprint

Moving from paper-based systems to digital solutions can improve productivity, increase efficiency of employees and reduce waste and error. Despite these benefits, a shift to digital done incorrectly can have detrimental impacts on the environment. Elements of virtualization such as data centers, processors, and globalized supply chain transportation systems can create a large carbon footprintRead… Read more »

On the move – Gov Communication Conference Gets Pushed Back

The government shutdown has sucked up all the oxygen surrounding the federal government. It’s impossible to focus on engaging stakeholders and federal communication best practices when hundreds of thousands of feds are furloughed. But communications best practices are essential. When agencies return to full capacity they will need to know the best ways to engageRead… Read more »

NASA and Google Quantum Computing Partnership

Google and NASA recently produced a documentary (6 mins long) around their new quantum computing partnership. I, by no means, am a quantum physicist, but this technology theoretically has the ability to turn “big data” into MASSIVE data with only a fraction of the processing and energy of a standard computer. My biggest takeaway fromRead… Read more »

Call for Speakers: Sentiment Analysis and “Human Analytics” (March 6, NYC)

Sentiment, mood, opinion, and emotion play a central role in social and online media, enterprise feedback, and the range of consumer, business, and public data sources. Together with connection, expressed as influence and advocacy in and across social and business networks, they capture immense business value. “Human Analytics” solutions unlock this value and are theRead… Read more »

Shutdown + Debt Ceiling = Trouble – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: We are now on day 14 of the government shutdown and for furloughed feds the financial impact is really starting to sink in. There is still no clear answer on whether or not feds who are furloughed will receive back pay. So for now, furloughed feds have to brace for theRead… Read more »

The Early Bird Gets the Worm, but the Brave Bird Gets… the Fries?!?!

Summary: Using a bird metaphor, this post discusses the importance of taking calculated risks to achieve goals, as well as the costs associated with risk aversion. The lessons offered are both timeless and uniquely relevant to the adoption of social and digital technologies. Additional lessons are welcome. (from the Denovati SMART Blog) This is oneRead… Read more »

How does the game theory apply to the shutdown?

“Some portray it as a Manichean struggle between good and evil. Warren Buffett says it’s “extreme idiocy.” I’d like to recommend another way of looking at the government shutdown and the looming battle over the debt ceiling in Washington. It’s a game, played by flawed-but-not-crazy human beings under confusing circumstances. In other words, it’s anRead… Read more »