
IJIS Institute’s Technical Advisory Committees Publish New White Papers

Papers explore the NIEM-UML specification and provide guidance on selecting and implementing technology solutions Ashburn, VA (August 21, 2013). The IJIS Institute, a nonprofit organization that focuses on mission‐critical information sharing for justice, public safety, and homeland security, is pleased to announce the publication of two new white papers authored by IJIS Institute Advisory Committees:Read… Read more »

Leveraging the power of the crowd – It’s not a mob mentality

Crowdsourcing is one of those words that means different things to different people. For our purposes, Daren Brabham defines it as, “Crowdsourcing it an online distributed problem solving and production model that uses the power of online communities to meet organizational needs.” Brabham is an Assistant Professor at the Annenberg School of Communication and JournalismRead… Read more »

Mobility: It’s All About the Benefits

Mobility. It is the buzzword of the day and the future of citizen-government engagement. It holds tremendous promise for reducing costs and improving delivery of government services. But, it does require thoughtful implementation to ensure that its economic benefits outweigh the security risks and agencies promote collaboration without jeopardizing privacy. A recent report by ResearchRead… Read more »

Leveraging performance metrics for your community

I’ve recently been talking to the group, ACT for Alexandria, based in Alexandria, Virginia about a project they’ve been working on called the Community Indicators Project. This concept is essentially the idea that community stakeholders should have a set of performance metrics, indicators, and dashboards that help the community have a conversation about itself. CoveringRead… Read more »

Snap – Why Instagram Matters in Gov

A few months back we talked to IBM’s Gadi Ben-Yehuda about the business case for Pinterest in government. We discovered Pinterest offered a new way for agencies to showcase their mission. Now GSA has approved terms of service for government to Instagram. So what’s the big deal? Ben-Yehuda is the innovation and social media directorRead… Read more »

The Business of IT: Thin Value

My article posted here was publishd in the Summer 2013 edition of FedTech Magazine. Thin clients offer a number of benefits as end-user replacements for PCs, including lower cost, longer useful life, enhanced security, improved mobility. In today’s cloud-based computing environment, why haven’t more Federal agencies implemented thin clients as their primary end-user platforms?

Power and Privacy and Superheroes

As government managers write requirements for digital civic engagement, people need to consider how much of their identity they need to share to ensure accountability and trust in the system, while not discouraging civic participation. The explicit message of modern superhero stories is best summed up in Spiderman’s origin tale, “with great power comes greatRead… Read more »

It’s Time to Get Serious about Digital Technology

(August 19, 2013) Even though we’re entering the fifth decade (or more) of the Digital Era, many organizational leaders and other senior professionals have still not fully grasped what that means in terms of their own digital technology awareness, literacy, and engagement. This post offers seven recommended actions that leaders (and others) should commit toRead… Read more »