
Is the citizen CIO taking over government IT?

Are citizen CIOs a threat to local governments or a blessing in disguise? With government IT departments producing more open data and participation from community interest groups and citizens on the rise, we’re beginning to see the start of a new movement within open government: telling our government which technologies to deploy. Citizens are identifying—andRead… Read more »

Lessons from the Best #Government Twitters

In April, NASA received its second consecutive Shorty Award for the best government use of social media. The Shorty Awards is an annual crowdsourced contest honoring the best in social media across the globe. The organizations and individual recognized utilize Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Instagram and other outlets in interesting and inventive ways. NASA uses almostRead… Read more »

LinkedIn Endorsements: What You Can and Can’t Manage

The LinkedIn Endorsements feature has become very popular, even though it has not been universally well received. No matter what you may think of them, it appears they may become a permanent feature of LinkedIn profiles. This post addresses some of the logistical challenges of managing endorsements by providing an overview of which aspects canRead… Read more »

How Will Open Data Redefine Agencies?

May 9th was a landmark day as President Obama signed an executive order that requires all civilian agencies to produce data in open, machine readable formats to allow for public use and commercial application development. We have been hearing about Open Data for almost five years now, dating back to the initial days on theRead… Read more »

Got Your Attention? Building Engaging Virtual Events & Trainings

Have you ever witnessed a colleague falling asleep at their computer? I have and that person had keyboard imprints on his face because he was disinterested and bored while trying to complete a mandatory online training for his job. While I certainly poked fun at him, I also sympathized with him. Dry, boring and monotonousRead… Read more »

Looking for Knowledge? Here’s Your GovLoop Research Digest

Happy Monday, GovLoop! First off, thanks for all you do in government, the innovative work you’re all doing to improve our communities, especially in a time of such uncertainty and the difficult challenges you must overcome daily. Yet, even though times are tough – it’s inspiring at GovLoop to hear all the great stories ofRead… Read more »

A fresh perspective on performance metrics

I’ve been reading a pretty good book called Transforming Performance Measurement: Rethinking the Way We Measure and Drive Organizational Success and there’s a ton of great ideas in it. I think anyone who is involved in performance management or measuring the success of specific activities in an organization should read this. It has a lotRead… Read more »