
7 Ways to Get Innovation Right

It seems everywhere you look these days agencies are talking about the value of innovation. The need for innovation. The power of innovation. But taking the concept of innovation and making it a reality can be a big challenge, especially during the sequester. But actually fostering innovation can be a huge challenge. Seth Kahan. KahanRead… Read more »

Information Technology Isn’t a Miracle Solution

We’re in a rapidly advancing technological age…I mean this article is being posted online and probably read on mobile devices and shared via social media. With every passing year (sometimes it feels like every week), it seems like there’s some new information technology (IT) platform to learn and integrate into our daily lives – forRead… Read more »

15 Lessons Learned on how to Leverage Analytics in Your Agency

We’re still cranking away on live blogging the Next Generation of Government Training Summit. Take a look at all our great coverage here. Below is a brief overview of the Analytics to Decisions session. Analytics is changing the way we work and think about our organizations. Analytics is the future for improved decision-making, helping organizationsRead… Read more »

Creating Innovation in Government

Panelists: Andreas Addison, Civic Innovator, City of Richmond (moderator) Philip Ashlock, Civic Agency Thomas Houston, Fuse Corps Fellow, City of Richmond Dan Hoffman, Chief Innovation Officer, Montgomery County Marina Martin, Presidential Innovation Fellow Earlier in the day, Andreas Addison likened creating innovation in government to herding cats. At his breakout session “Creating Innovation in Government,”Read… Read more »

A Promising New Landscape for Health IT

For many people, the mere thought of going to the doctor summons images of long lines, impatient receptionists and complicated insurance billing systems. But the introduction of technology into the healthcare arena may diminish or eliminate these troubling scenes that confront us all too often at the doctor’s office. Many patients envision a healthcare systemRead… Read more »

6 Ways to Create a Citizen-Centered Business Model

Private sector customers have become accustomed to responsive, reactive and responsible customer service interactions. Companies who have embraced a customer-centered business model have witnessed benefits to their bottom line, building a loyal fan base and attaining a corner of their respective markets. For example, Zappos customer service is legendary and continues to propel the company’sRead… Read more »

Lightning Speaker: It Takes a Village to Save the Ark: Experiences in Government and Zoo Collaboration for All-Hazards Emergency Preparedness by Dr. Jeleen Briscoe

Our second lightening speaker was Dr. Jeleen Brisco, Department of Agriculture. Her presentation was called: It Takes a Village to Save the Ark: Experiences in Government and Zoo Collaboration for All-Hazards Emergency Preparedness by Dr. Jeleen Briscoe. Dr. Jeleen Briscoe’s abstract for the presentation can be found below: Zoos and aquariums provide the public up-close-and-personalRead… Read more »

Moving Forward: The Need to Migrate to Windows 7

Windows XP’s days are numbered. Microsoft will be terminating all support for the operating system, as well as support for Microsoft Word 2003, on April 8, 2014. This includes all security updates and fixes, leaving those with Windows XP vulnerable to security threats. Many organizations are now faced with the task of migrating to aRead… Read more »

GSA acquisition chief lays out his agenda

“By using the Federal Acquisition Service, the government could procure contracts up to 50% faster,” said Tom Sharpe. Sharpe was appointed Commissioner for the General Services Administration’s Federal Acquisition Service five months ago. He was a panelist at an AFFIRM luncheon moderated by GovLoop’s Chris Dorobek. Sharpe told Chris that last year the government obligatedRead… Read more »