
Who’s on the “Tour of Duty” of Government Innovation?

Answer: Badass Innovators. On Monday, the White House published the list of the second round of Presidential Innovation Fellows. The 43 fellows include multitalented engineers, entrepreneurs, computer scientists and designers, all tasked with developing solutions to improve lives, save tax dollars and create jobs. These “badass innovators,” as described by federal CTO, Todd Park, willRead… Read more »

DISA Kicks Off $450M Commercial Cloud Purchase

The Defense Information Systems Agency has released a draft request for proposals to acquire commercial cloud computing services through 2017 for up to $450 million. DISA is seeking to purchase commercial infrastructure-as-a-service tools and associated support services under the Commercial Cloud Services Provider program, the draft RFP released Monday says. Service lines covered under theRead… Read more »

Social Media in States – Status Report

Social media has revolutionized government’s interactions with its citizens. A new survey by NASCIO found 100% of state chief information officers said social media is apart of their business operations. 83% said they use Facebook. 81% use Twitter. 83% use Youtube. 80% of CIOs say social media is either essential or a high priority atRead… Read more »

Big Data for Government

Hello all, My name is Angie Eybel, I am a conference producer at The Advanced Learning Institute and am currently producing a Big Data Conference to take place in Washington, D.C. this coming fall of 2013. After 30 plus successful government forums and extensive research we have decided Big Data is the newest and hottestRead… Read more »

How State and Local Leaders are Innovating with Technology

“There’s always going to be new technology. We must innovate to do more with less” – Brent Nair, CIO, Memphis Last week, Cisco and Consero hosted their Virtual Government IT Forum, the first in a series of online discussions between state and local government visionaries. The focus on the online session (which you can stillRead… Read more »

3 Threats to Keeping Data Secure

In a fast-moving digital world that we are currently living in, our data and information is constantly at risk of being exposed or compromised. For government agencies, maintaining strict governance policies and educating users is essential. Government agencies collect a variety of data on citizens, from the day we are born and throughout our entireRead… Read more »

Behind the Scenes of NIH, DoD, NASA: WordPress in Government

Yesterday, GovLoop and WordPress hosted the event, Do More With What You Have: Experience WordPress in Government, highlighting the power of WordPress to modernize and optimize government websites. The event included numerous case studies of websites that use WordPress CMS services, which are robust, scalable and adaptable with numerous plug-ins and add-ons. At the event,Read… Read more »

How Two Weeks Saved the Gov’t $300 Million: Uncle Sam’s List

Yesterday, GovLoop and WordPress hosted the event, Do More With What You Have: Experience WordPress in Government, highlighting the power of WordPress to modernize and optimize government websites. The event included numerous case studies of websites that use WordPress CMS services, which are robust, scalable and adaptable with numerous plug-ins and add-ons. At the event,Read… Read more »

The StartUp Agency – A Case Study on the Consumer Financial and Protection Bureau (CFPB)

This afternoon, GovLoop and WordPress are hosting an event, Do More With What You Have: Experience WordPress in Government, highlighting the power of WordPress to modernize and optimize government websites. The event included numerous case studies of WordPress websites and the robust scalable CMS services of the websites. At the event, government employees were connectedRead… Read more »