
Mission Magnet and Sheldon Cooper – Recruitment Tips for Hiring STEMM Talent

The Big Bang Theory is the most popular comedy on television. More than 20 million people each week sit down to watch Sheldon Cooper and his group of brainiacs search for answers to life’s most challenging puzzles. Those big brains are just what the government needs to stay on the front lines of research andRead… Read more »

3 Ways Government Can Build Trust and Partner With Citizens

In our recent guide entitled, “Innovating at the Point of Citizen Engagement: Making Every Moment Count,” I highlighted the activities of Raleigh, North Carolina, and their citizen-led, government-approved movement around innovation and open data. It’s an exceptional model of government-citizen partnership, and one that I’m trying to replicate and expand just a few miles awayRead… Read more »

Big Data, The CliffNotes Version

Everyone had that teacher who would say “If you learn one thing from this class, I want it to be…” Well that’s what we’re doing with our Big Data Guide. Maybe you aren’t a Big Data expert but let’s be honest everyone is talking about it so you should probably be familiar with the nutsRead… Read more »

Big Data Insights from Indiana CIO: Paul Baltzell

Recently, I had the opportunity to speak with Paul Baltzell, Chief Information Officer (CIO) of Indiana. Baltzell and I talked through some of the challenges and lessons learned while implementing a big data initiative at the state level. Like most public sector entities, the State of Indiana has just started to explore big data opportunities.Read… Read more »

A Citizen’s Guide to Open Government, E-Government, and Government 2.0

Engaged citizens want clear, credible information from the government about how it’s carrying on its business. They don’t want to thumb through thousands of files or wait month after month or go through the rigors of filing claims through FOIA (Freedom of Information Act). They want government information, services, and communication to be forthcoming andRead… Read more »

How will you avoid the FDCCI Squeeze?

More than halfway to the 2015 FDCCI deadline, agencies are facing major consolidation challenges – uncertainty about their ability to meet the deadline, finding budget for consolidation, and shutting down or consolidating applications. Without mission owner support, consolidation stalls and agencies miss out on opportunities to save money, boost efficiencies, and free up dollars thatRead… Read more »

Deep De-Bureaucratization Case

Every single one of us who is a government employee feels the pain of government bureaucracy! The deep disconnects that drive us crazy. How can we reconnect the programs and technology and people and politics, etc? How can we anticipate and influence the growth in people and our organizations’ capabilities? These are the questions thatRead… Read more »

Big Data Analysis: An Art and Science – Nate Silver Named Most Creative in Business

Creative was certainly not the adjective I would have used to describe my undergraduate introductory course in statistical methods. Perhaps I should have paid closer attention in class, as data analysis and interpretation have since taken on creative new forms. Every year, Fast Company puts out a list of the 100 Most Creative People inRead… Read more »