
Hacking For Change From the Inside

This is the story of how four local government employees, on our own time, formed a team and participated in the National Day of Civic Hacking; what we accomplished and what we learned. I recently participated in the National Day of Civic Hacking by attending the Boulder Civic Hackfest in Boulder, Colorado. Together with threeRead… Read more »

Breaking down the first year of PortfolioStat

Last March the Office of Management and Budget unveiled PortfolioStat. The goal was simple, help agencies save time, money and resources by giving them a tool to asses their portfolio management process. Andrew McMahon is a Senior Policy Advisor at OMB. He oversees PortfolioStat. McMahon was a panelist at an AFCEA Bethesda event that theRead… Read more »

GovHack 2013 – my top ten picks

Last weekend (31 May – 2 June) was a big weekend for Government 2.0 in Australia, with the first truly national GovHack held across eight locations, including seven of Australia’s eight major states and territories. With over $170,000 in prizes, and around 100 national and local prizes on offer, GovHack 2013 attracted 900 participants, whoRead… Read more »

Municipality of Fortaleza performs session with international participation through the virtual network

I have written several posts about technological innovations implemented in the Municipality of Fortaleza and eventually became routine in this legislative house. Since the 90s we have the opportunity to implement ideas always looking to bring the government to the citizen. On June 20 (Monday) with the permission of President Walter Cavalcante at the requestRead… Read more »

Thinking Outside of the Bin: Dayton Combines Technology and Incentives to Increase Recycling

Dayton, Ohio, utilizes tracking technology on recycling bins and monetary incentives to encourage more citizens to recycle. In September 2010, Dayton, Ohio, launched an incentive-based recycling program meant to encourage residents to become more proactive about recycling. The program consists of two components: (1) a technology component that involves asset-tracking technology on recycling bins andRead… Read more »

Open Data: The Latest Step toward Federal Government Transparency

Another chapter of the open government initiative has been written as the White House announced the implementation of the newly minted Open Data Policy earlier this month. Designed to incorporate all forms of information, the policy dictates a new standard for maintaining data. The standard requires all data be “open and machine-readable.” By forcing allRead… Read more »

3 Trends That May Change How You Work This Year

The tornados in Oklahoma and the bombings in Boston showed the true power of state, local and city government employees. Part of the reason they were able to be as effective and efficient as they were was due to the technology at their disposal. Big data, cloud computing, BYOD and mobile all played a roleRead… Read more »

3 Lessons Learned for Successful Mobile Adoption

Mobile in government continues to be one of the most pertinent topics facing public sector administrators. The Pew Internet & American Life Project reports, “As of December 2012, 87% of American adults have a cell phone, and 45% have a smartphone. As of January 2013, 26% of American adults own an e-book reader, and 31%Read… Read more »