
What’s more valuable: Listening to your Spidey Senses or your Statistics?

I had a business school professor that said you had to be careful with statistics because it was like driving using the rearview mirror. I’m reminded of that because one of the major things I’ve spent the last couple weeks working on is some financial projections and trying to build out a business case. ThisRead… Read more »

The Three C’s Of CPIC Success at TSA

By Robert Nau With budgets and resources stretched more than ever, portfolios are under fire to demonstrate the value of their investments through sound business cases. One way to show soundness is to demonstrate the business cases are compliant and coherent. But how is this accomplished? Based on my experience supporting teams through many CapitalRead… Read more »

Federal Technology Spending Expected to Increase in 2014

Posted originally on Federal Technology Insider. Earlier this month, President Obama submitted the annual budget for fiscal year 2014 to Congress. Despite much discussion on federal spending cuts, the Obama administration requested a $2 billion increase in federal IT spending. According to Steve VanRokel, federal CIO, the key takeaway is that investment in IT willRead… Read more »

5 Ways Government Is Using Social Media for Mission Impact

Social media has transformed the way government engages with citizens. In our recent guide, GovLoop staff took a comprehensive look at how agencies are leveraging social media to meet their mission objectives. The report: The Social Media Experiment in Government: Elements of Excellence, included a survey from the GovLoop community and expert interviews on socialRead… Read more »

Not Just for Fun Anymore: Why Social Media Should Be included in CyberSecurity Measures

The Associated Press Twitter hack might have been the wake-up call that we needed. Social media is a wonderful thing. It’s fast, reaching a large and diverse audience in no time and it provides a platform for interaction between an agency/company/organization/individual and its constituents/customers/patrons/fans. But that speed and distance could prove risky if a tweetRead… Read more »

Boston Manhunt Proves the Power of Interagency Collaboration

“Last week was a very dark week for the country, you had what happened in Boston, West Texas and the ricin letters sent to politicians here in DC. But in the midst of those tragedies there was a bright spot and that was the work of the public servants,” said Tom Fox. Fox is theRead… Read more »

Exploring Software-Defined Storage for Organizations

In today’s world, government agencies are collecting data like never before. As agencies continue to be challenged to manage the volume, velocity and variety of data, agencies are looking at new ways to unlock the power of data to transform service delivery and find new business efficiencies. This has led to advances in the wayRead… Read more »

Change the Game Once . . . Then Wash, Rinse and Repeat

Realize the Value (& Advance the Mission) – Agilex’ Weekly Blog on Hot Topics in Government IT In my last blog – It’s Not Email, It’s Your Mission – I talked about the importance of mission-focused applications and how they can change the way federal agencies do business through cost savings, empowering field workers, creatingRead… Read more »

Best Practices to Craft Your Agency’s Digital Government Strategy

The following blog post is an excerpt from our recent report, Crafting a Comprehensive Digital Government Strategy. This report was draws upon a survey of 94 members of the GovLoop community who are currently adopting emerging technology at the state, local and federal level of government. This report also includes insights based on interviews withRead… Read more »