
Profiling a Data Breach – Where Should You Spend Your Cybersecurity Resources?

In the 2014 budget request the White House sent to Congress one of the few areas to not get cut dramatically was cybersecurity. But before we pour resources into protecting our networks from cyberattacks it is important to know from where and from who these attacks are coming. That’s where the annual Verizon 2013 DataRead… Read more »

3D Visualization of an Alley Streetscape Project

A while back I was working on a project to change an alley from a typical asphalt driveway to a pedestrian walkway. Because it is in a downtown area, this project allows for many design opportunities to enhance the downtown area and the pedestrian experience. During its planning stage, we had a lot of inputRead… Read more »

Thinking Forward to Preserve the Past: Interview with Pamela Wright, CINO of NARA

Interview: Innovation is the Magic Word Read Below or Download PDF If the 21st century (so far) had to be categorized by a word it would have to be “innovation”. It is a word that brings to mind the great advancements in technology, human to human interactions, human to computer interaction and more. The wayRead… Read more »

How are you preparing to transition from Windows XP in 2014?

Last week on Microsoft’s Security Blog, Tim Rains reminded Microsoft XP users that in less than one year, Microsoft is ending support for Windows XP. Rains walked through some of the important security implications for customers, and what the changes mean for users. As Microsoft products typically cycle through three phases (active product, extended support,Read… Read more »

5 Benefits of Leveraging ECM and GIS Technology

One of the lessons learned from our recent report, Crafting a Comprehensive Digital Government Strategy, was that agencies need to develop strategies to scale services and leverage existing technology within the agency. In many cases, agencies can identify new insights and improve workflows by leveraging existing technologies. One example is how agencies can leverage enterpriseRead… Read more »

Talk to Me: Dr. Ted R. Smith on Engaging Citizens through Established Conversations

On April 17th, Chris Dorobek was joined by a panel of professionals to talk citizen engagement on this month’s DorobekINSIDER LIVE. In the conversation with Dr. Ted R. Smith Chief Innovation Officer, Louisville Metro Economic Growth & Innovation, they discussed how the issue is not starting a conversation with the public, but rather having agenciesRead… Read more »