
How Citizen Engagement Can Be Improved Through Mobile GIS

As mobile adoption continues to grow in consumer markets, it is imperative that government continue to embrace mobile and learn how to best optimize mobile technology to stay relevant and improve citizen engagement programs. The Pew Internet & American Life Project has a variety of data related to mobile adoption. In December 2012, Pew reportsRead… Read more »

Vanilla Ice had it right: STOP, Collaborate, and Listen

One of the things that I’ve realized over the last few years is that despite the fact that I’ve gained more experience, I’ve done more formal educations, taken trainings, and built a lot of personal capabilities, I seem to have trended towards more collaborative decision making. I now spend more time talking to people aboutRead… Read more »

Transparency Report Card – Did your state make the grade?

For the past four year the US Public Interest Group has graded each of the 50 states on their level of transparency. While 7 states made the honor roll, six states received failing grades. How did your state do? Phineas Baxandall is a senior analyst for tax and budget at the US Public Interest Group.Read… Read more »

Immigration in the Age of #Social: The Benefits of Managing Social Media Data

Quantity has a Quality all its own. This famous and perceptive phrase has been variously attributed to the German philosopher Hagel, Engels, Lenin, and finally Josef Stalin. Despite the largely shady cast of characters associated with it, the phrase captures an important truth: that large volumes often have characteristics far beyond the traits of aRead… Read more »

Considerations for the Digital Public Information Officer (PIO)

This topic has come up time and time again here on GovLoop and I felt it was time to revisit the greater discussion involving use of social/new/2.0/3.0/etc technology for the purposes of emergency response, recovery, mitigation, citizen engagement, and so forth through the optic of the PIO. To this end, an entire world-wide group ofRead… Read more »

The Emergency Communications Catalyst: Social Media Meets Amateur Radio

I recently wrote on the coming of age of the “Digital Public Information Officer (PIO)” and how social media, digital volunteers, and organization is key. (Find the original posting here: Considerations for the Digital Public Information Officer) This sparked a lot of great conversation across the Social Media in Emergency Management (SMEM) community and aRead… Read more »