
An Open Government Update from Russia

Dear all, Last year here in Russia we actively promoted open data and open government initiatives, started new projects and right now we see and review a lot of open government projects lauched by government agencies. Unfortunately most of these projects are only in Russian so I suggest to use tools like Google Translate toRead… Read more »

Contract Management: GSA Finds Efforts to Streamline Operations Are Improving Agencies

Over the last few years, the GSA has made plenty of headlines, whether due to lavish, over-the-top conference expenses, poor contract management, or attempts at regaining control and visibility through cloud-based services, but this time the news is more positive. GSA administrator Dan Tangherlini has announced that a “top to bottom” review of agencies willRead… Read more »

DSB Report on Resilient Military Systems and the Cyber Threat

By Bob Gourley Bottom Line Up Front: After reviewing all available evidence and rigorously weighing threat information, a Task Force of the Defense Science Board (DSB) concludes that: the United States cannot be confident that our critical Information Technology (IT) systems will work under attack from a sophisticated and well-resourced opponent. How does that makeRead… Read more »

Immigration in the Age of #Social: Do Not Risk Becoming Obsolete

Today is the third anniversary of my retirement from CIA. I’ve learned a lot in these 3 years. One particular plus has been getting to observe how this generation of knowledge workers is incorporating new tools to think and do differently. At Deloitte Consulting we’ve become advocates for the transformational impact of social and workRead… Read more »

Kimberly Hancher, CIO of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Discusses BYOD Successes

This exclusive interview was published by Federal Technology Insider. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recently implemented a Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) pilot program to meet urgent IT budget challenges. As a result of the effort, the agency was able to achieve significant savings, while enhancing employee productivity – all while creating the ideal case studyRead… Read more »

Sequestration Could Shift Focus of Federal IT Spending

Originally posted to Federal Technology Insider With an impending March 1 deadline set to trigger $85 billion in federal budget spending cuts, a recent InformationWeek article highlighted concerns raised by officials about the impact sequestration will have on federal IT expenditures. “By cutting technology, it’s going to put us into situations where we eitherRead… Read more »

“Gov Meetings Go Virtual” online course starts March 7 – Learn the answers to these 10 questions!

Is learning the answers to the following 10 questions important to your job and your agency’s mission? If “Yes” then I urge you to enroll in our Gov Meetings Go Virtual online course – Spring semester starts March 7! What is the difference between a webinar and a virtual meeting/conference? What are the keyRead… Read more »