
Using the Force and ArcGIS Data Mapping in the Golden Age of Data

This week Esri has been holding various events to teach, collaborate with and get feedback from government agencies. The hope is that through this collaboration, Esri can continue to create tools and platforms such as ArcGIS that can be used by government agencies to help groups of people and the nation as a whole. ToRead… Read more »

Using the Force and ArcGIS Data Mapping in the Golden Age of Data

This week Esri has been holding various events to teach, collaborate with and get feedback from government agencies. The hope is that through this collaboration, Esri can continue to create tools and platforms such as ArcGIS that can be used by government agencies to help groups of people and the nation as a whole. ToRead… Read more »

Social Media Week DC: Three Take-Aways

If you’re like me, you’re still recovering from and trying to absorb and sort all the content shared during Social Media Week last week. There was so much information and so many ideas presented at each session that I found myself consistently over-stimulated, but in an exciting way. As I wait for all of theRead… Read more »

Engineering Infographics

Infographics are large sized, graphic-filled images used to convey sometimes complex ideas or information. Over the last year or so they seem to have risen in popularity and have been produced and shared by a wide variety of industries. So it was only a matter of time before we started finding engineering-related infographics. The oneRead… Read more »

Future of GIS- Esri Federal GIS Conference

On Monday I attended Esri’s annual Federal GIS Conference. This conference brings together over 2,700 GIS professionals, managers, and government executives for three days of intensive learning and sharing. In the morning plenary session, Jack Dangermond, Esri President, discussed how GIS technology and mapping are helping government employees do their job better and more efficientlyRead… Read more »

In Review: President Obama’s Cybersecurity Executive Order

President Obama’s long awaited executive order on cyber security was released earlier this month. Along with the Executive Order, Improving Critical Infrastructure: Cybersecurity, the administration also released a companion policy directive for federal agencies. Although both documents are a step in the right direction for security efforts, legislative action by Congress remains essential to combatRead… Read more »

Government Competitions Redux: TopCoder and the Power of Crowdsourcing – 1

Competitions are changing the way government iterates and innovates. NASA and OPM have both opted to use TopCoder to create new apps. TopCoder is member based group of more than 460,000 coders from around the world. TopCoder harnesses the power of crowd-sourcing to achieve goals. Mike Lydon is the Chief Technology Officer and Jim McKeownRead… Read more »

We Interrupt This Broadcast – 4 Lessons from Tampa Water Boil Notice

This Friday and Saturday, there was a 48 hour boil notice for water in my area (City of Tampa). Pretty simple – you were not allowed to drink tap water without boiling it first otherwise there might be health issues. It affected 600,000 individuals in the area plus the trickle-down affects of restaurants, coffee shops,Read… Read more »