
3 Benefits of Location Analytics for the Public Sector

Location analytics is helping to guide the next phase of GIS. This post highlights three benefits of location analytics for organizations, the post pays special attention as to how traditional business intelligence tools and Esri’s ArcGIS platform is transforming how government delivers services. You can view the GovLoop Industry Perspectice: ArcGIS as a Platform online,Read… Read more »

From Regulation to Collaboration – the Next Wave for Cybersecurity?

The President issued the Cybersecurity Executive Order during his State of the Union earlier this month. But some say the Executive Order doesn’t go far enough. “The Executive Order was unprecedented and very wanted, but it is inherently limited in what it can do. The Executive Order can only tell the entities that are partRead… Read more »

Geeking Out with Google Glass

It’s not news to say that technology is evolving at the speed of light. In just my lifetime, cellphones have changed from the briefcase-toting behemoths, to indestructible, monochromatic-screened bricks, to todays touch-screen technological miracles. On top of the cellphone, we’ve been given the privilege of using other mobile devices, such as laptops and tablets toRead… Read more »

What’s Your Favorite Cubicle?

What’s Your Favorite Cubicle? No one talks about it but there is a huge difference between a good and bad cubicle. My worst cubicle was my first cubicle. It was probably ten years old, half falling apart, and puke color. The chair was old and I was always stuck in an awkward position all day.Read… Read more »

Peering into the BYOD Crystal Ball

GovLoop’s Chris Dorobek hosted a special live edition of the DorobekINSIDER. The hot topic of the day was BYOD and we gathered an excellent group of professionals to share their expertise on our panel. (Click here for the full recap.) We were joined by Kimberly Hancher, Chief Information Officer, Office of Information Technology (OIT), EEOC,Read… Read more »

The Two Faces of Social Media at NASA

It’s Social Media Week here in Washington, D.C. and there are some really great events going on about how social media is being used in the government, nonprofits, and different organizations. I attended a presentation today about Advancing Citizen Engagement. There were some really innovative techniques from agencies as diverse as Federal Student Aid, USGS,Read… Read more »

Buy outcomes, not output

There a couple of things you need to think about before you buy consulting services, management consulting, or any of the types of services where you’re looking for a unique perspective or insight, the benefit of experience, and a fresh view on things. Anytime you’re looking for something that’s going to end in real changeRead… Read more »