
The Armed Forces Leading the Charge in Facebook Likes

Government’s move toward better utilization of the web in hopes of increasing citizen engagement isn’t exactly a new pursuit. It’s a rather old one in truth, however that doesn’t mean it’s going away anytime soon. Now more than ever government is looking for new ways to improve internet presence and open new channels of communication.Read… Read more »

Is your program/agency on GAO’s High Risk List

What is the high risk list? Beginning in 1990 the Government Accountability Office started putting together a list of programs that were most vulnerable to waste, fraud, abuse, mis-management and the need for fundamental transformation. The GAO produces the list every two years to help Congress and the Executive Branch set priorities on high riskRead… Read more »

The Metaverse Code

It was only a matter of time. Throughout history, whenever people have come together and formed a dependence on each other for their physical, social, and economic well-being, they’ve eventually had to create some form of governance. The Old Testament, a type of code that governed a group of people no matter where they lived,Read… Read more »

Building a More Efficient Government with GIS Technology

Many public organizations are using GIS technology to become more efficient and better manage their various facilities. One great case study is how the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) developed a smartphone app to report repair issues in real-time. LAUSD is the second largest public school district in the US and manages facilities thatRead… Read more »

Shared Services: DHS Tests Multi-Band Radio Solution for First Responders

Breakdowns in communications are hurting first responders. And one of the reasons for the communications breakdown is that their radio’s aren’t on the same bandwidth. That means that during an emergency firefighters can’t talk to EMS or law enforcement on their radios. It slows down reaction time and operability. The solution seems simple, give everyoneRead… Read more »

Steve Jobs for Govies

At first blush, the life of Steve Jobs has nothing in common with your typical government employee. Yet, a close examination of the Apple founder’s life contains lessons for everyone – even govies. From education to moving from on failure, the life of Jobs provides more than just inspiration – it has has practical adviceRead… Read more »

Counting “Likes” and “Followers”: Social Networking Data and the Nat’l Library of Medicine

Companies and agencies are data obsessed. With the big data boom came the desire to leverage data in countless ways. Organizations began with analyzing their own data, but now the goal is to collect droves of information from outside sources, and in many cases, hiring companies to do it for them. Libraries are doing thisRead… Read more »

FedGeo Day 2013: The Conference for Open Source Geo Applications

FedGeo Day is a new conference focusing on modern, open source geospatial tools being used in and around the federal government. In recent history the mapping space has been transformed, with open source applications powering rapid advancement in web mapping, cartography, and GIS. New tools now exist that are powerful, open, and allow you toRead… Read more »

Big Data and Government R&D – Turning Overload into Information

In March 2012, the Obama Administration launched the “Big Data Research and Development Initiative” to capitalize on the fast-growing volume of data in today’s world. By investing over $200 million in research and development, federal agencies hoped to extract more information and better analysis to make smarter decisions that drive growth and efficiency. As aRead… Read more »