
Heroes of Excellence Awards were created to recognize government programs that provide substantive improvements in government activities. But that is not the whole story – At a time when government employees were singled out at the cause for everything wrong in the world, we felt that it was important to put faces on the great things thatRead… Read more »

Did the SOTU Usher in a New Cybersecurity Frontier?

The President unveiled his long awaited Executive Order to improve the cybersecurity of critical infrastructure during the State of the Union. It’s the first step in creating a more structured and standardized cybersecurity response. But how will it actually work? And will industry be able to work alongside government? Trey Hodgkins is the Vice PresidentRead… Read more »

5 Ideas on White House Innovation Toolkit

Last week, the White House announced round 2 of the Presidential Innovation Fellows Program. While five of the 9projects were continuations from the first one, there were 4 new projects. One that caught my eye was “Innovation Toolkit” – Developing an innovation toolkit that empowers our Federal workforce to respond to national priorities more quicklyRead… Read more »

Increasing Public Sector Efficiency

For government organizations facing budget cuts, limited IT resources, and rising citizen expectations, efficiency is the name of the game. Many are turning to the cloud as a way to deliver technology capabilities more quickly and cost-effectively. In fact, cloud computing is expected to account for roughly 20% of the overall global IT market, excludingRead… Read more »

SuperTracker – USDA’s new app. brings together big data to help you get healthy

SuperTracker is the new app. for USDA. It allows individuals to track their food intake in the dietary guidelines put out annually by the USDA. Dr. Robert Post is the Deputy Director for the Center Nutrition Policy and Promotion at the USDA. He and his team are also finalists for the ACT- IAC Excellence.Gov Awards.Read… Read more »

“Social Media” is SO 2009! 7 Proposed Semantic Upgrades

At the risk of inspiring unresolvable semantic discussions, this post addresses seven Digital Era terms that should probably be replaced and/or removed from the lexicon and suggests both existing and new alternative terminology to use in their place. What other proposed changes would you make? ===//=== I generally try to avoid semantic arguments. Having clarityRead… Read more »

Why Going Virtual Makes Sense For Your Next Conference

By Lance A. Simon, CGMP, GVEP Sitting on my desk is my company’s RFI response to a government agency for converting their upcoming 1,500 attendee annual meeting into a 100% online/virtual format. Meanwhile, in the Washington Post, there are more high-level resignations for conference over-expenditures, and reports that “now-looming spending reductions [are] set to hitRead… Read more »

12 Big Ideas & Predictions for 2013

We saw some big changes across the federal government with the introduction of the Digital Government Strategy in 2012. And it was a big year for innovation at the Department of Health & Human Services, where I’m part of a great team that’s working to transform us into the digital age. Looking forward, 2013 promisesRead… Read more »

Imagery Sharing- NOAA’s Land Cover Atlas

For several years, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has used Esri’s ArcGIS technology to process, analyze, and fuse different types of geospatial imagery to integrate information and help conservation efforts. One great example of their effort is the Land Cover Atlas, which is produced every five years using data extracted from the CoastalRead… Read more »