
The Virtual Real Estate Market

Many people might be surprised to find out there is a virtual real estate market and have had a hard time understanding how someone could pay money for something that you can’t physically touch like virtual land. Before visiting virtual worlds myself, I would not have believed people would pay money for something like that.Read… Read more »

A Case Study in Real-World Section 508 Compliance at the National Press Club on February 21st

Deque Systems is hosting a free seminar titled “A Case Study in Real-World Section 508 Compliance: How the VA is deploying the largest section 508 program in government” at the National Press Club on February 21st. This seminar will present the inside story of how the VA is deploying the largest Section 508 Compliance programRead… Read more »

Tomorrow’s Webinar: Think big, start small, scale fast

Back in December, I interviewed General Dale Meyerrose about organizational transformation and leadership. I posted the three-part interview here, here, and here. When asked about his approach for managing change, General Meyerrose answered with “Think Big, Start Small, Scale Fast.” Tomorrow, Dale is going to be giving a free webinar on the subject of ThinkRead… Read more »

Trust us…

Photo by Micky Aldridge I had the good fortune to go to breakfast with a group including Chief Trust Officer Patrick Heim. Besides a great free meal at Old Ebbits, there was a lot of great conversation around the way and are being leveraged by the public and private organizations and someRead… Read more »

Managing Internal Threats

By InfoSec Institute The number of annual security incidents caused by insider threats continues to increase. In The CERT Guide to Insider Threats, Capelli et al writes, “Insider threats are an intriguing and complex problem. Some assert that they are the most significant threat faced by organizations today.” Disgruntled system administrators damage data and systems,Read… Read more »

Ravens or 49ers? Who has the Analytics Advantage?

It’s Super Bowl Week, meaning that football chit chat will probably dominate the water cooler (and team meetings) more than any other topic. But just because you and your coworkers are talking sports doesn’t mean that you’re escaping the world of analytics. Several sports teams, including baseball, basketball, and football teams, have been using analyticsRead… Read more »

Facebook Graph Search and the Variables: There’s a Difference Between “Like” and “like”

Since Graph Search was announced by Facebook, bloggers and digital nerds have been singing its praises and aggressively speculating on what other search engines/sites this new tool will take down (Google watch out! Yelp you’re going down! FourSquare don’t even think about it!). Through the buzz, I have remained cautious, and then I came acrossRead… Read more »

Eight business models for government open data

Alex Howard has written an excellent article over at the O’Reilly Radar listing eight business models for government open data, a handy list for those in government agencies attempting to justify to senior management or Ministers why releasing government data is important and valuable. The models listed in Alex’s article, Open data economy: Eight businessRead… Read more »

Exposing Government

In his first term of office President Obama pledged to shed light upon the shadow of our veiled government. To bring transparency to the executive branch. He issued policies that added greater exposure of government documents though new mediums. Although initially successful, Obama’s Open Government is still far from complete and requires more attention fromRead… Read more »