
Online Social Learning Communities: Necessary but not Sufficient

As the Digital Era progresses, professionals at all levels and career stages need to develop and maintain a core set of digital competencies. These competencies can be developed informally, through online social learning communities, but they must also be developed through formal education and training programs. Academic and other organizational leaders must recognize that itRead… Read more »

Key ingredients make IT transformation a recipe for success

In a recent post I wrote about a pair of innovative plans that will shape the future of federal IT. Cloud First and Share First have the potential to truly transform government IT. As with most innovations, the hard work begins soon after the “wow factor” wears off. So how do you successfully execute aRead… Read more »

Federal Cloud Computing: The Definitive Guide for Cloud Service Providers

Federal Cloud Computing: The Definitive Guide for Cloud Service Providers offers an in-depth look at topics surrounding federal cloud computing within the federal government, including the Federal Cloud Computing Strategy, Cloud Computing Standards, Security and Privacy, and Security Automation. You will learn the basics of the NIST risk management framework (RMF) with a specific focusRead… Read more »

BYOD: It’s Personal

With all of the talk and research that has been going on, it’s tough to ignore BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). Lists of organizational pros and cons have been popping up in newspapers, tech reports and blogs attempting to educate private and public employees before their agency dives head first into a BYOD program. WhileRead… Read more »

Want to use a government facility for your next meeting? Here’s a new tool that helps (a little).

By Lance A. Simon, CGMP, GVEP The SGMP National Chapter (NATCAP) monthly meetings are always interesting, but this week’s session was particularly interactive, even raucous. The discussion was about the use of government facilities as meeting spaces. The star panel presenter was Ms. Pathina Fitzgerald, Project Manager for GSA’s fledgling Federal Meeting Facilities Tool (FMFT)Read… Read more »

Get Ahead of the Curve with Cloud based Collaboration

According to analyst firm, Enterprise Strategy Group, the enterprise cloud based file sharing revolution is being driven not by IT, but by end users – individuals who need to access and share data across laptops, smart phones and tablets whenever the need may arise. And, it’s these individuals who often subscribe to consumer-based file sharingRead… Read more »

10 Parallels Between the US and UK Digital Government Strategy

Post Highlights Overview of the UK Digital Strategy Comparison of the UK and US Digital Government Strategies What lessons learned and parallels can we find from the UK & US? In November of last year, the UK Government released their Digital Government Strategy. As a lot of attention here in the states has been placedRead… Read more »

3 Ideas on the Project MyGov Toolbar

Last week, the White House Presidential Innovation Fellowsannounced the launch of Project MyGov Toolbar. In the end, it’s a pretty neat simple piece of technology that helps government collaborate with itself and improves the citizen experience finding government information. I’m a huge fan & it fits into #4 of my 7 original ideas for ProjectRead… Read more »