PTI’s Top 2013 “In and Outs” in Technology for Cities & Counties”
For the third year we offer a special listing of the top “Ins and Outs” for technology for cities and counties. See:
For the third year we offer a special listing of the top “Ins and Outs” for technology for cities and counties. See:
By HudsonHollister [This post by Hudson Hollister is cross-posted on the Data Transparency Coalition’s blog.] Tomorrow a new U.S. Congress – the 113th, elected last November – will be sworn in. The 112th Congress finished its run with a divisive confrontation on fiscal priorities. Advocates of opening up government data are rightfully disappointed at theRead… Read more »
One of the reasons I enjoy this time of year, aside from perfecting Sticky Toffee Pudding recipes (seriously, you should try this one…), is the annual technology prediction discussions for the upcoming year. While I don’t pay attention to every single technology prediction made (usually by companies trying to sell me something) the “Technology ForecastRead… Read more »
By BobGourley What will our collective technological future be like in 2013? The answer, of course, depends a great deal on what actions we take to make our future. But the answer also depends on many other factors, including mega trends that are transforming entire industries. We recently reviewed and updated our assessments on allRead… Read more »
All year long we’ve been talking about ways you can improve your leadership skills. Find a better job. Make a difference. So we wanted to take a step back and pull out the five best pieces of advice we’ve heard this year. It’s all part of our mission to help you do your job better.Read… Read more »
CIOs in both the private and public sector are under the gun to do more with less. Agency CIOs, especially, must reduce costs, as directed by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in August 2011. The OMB, for its part, expected agency heads to submit budgets that cut at least 5 percent from thisRead… Read more »
Over a 100 researchers in the top European universities are launching a ten-year Big Science project to create a new science for the 21st Century: FuturICT. FuturICT is the merger of information and communication technologies (ICT), complexity science, and social science to create “socially-adaptive, self-organized ICT systems.” What does that mean and why should weRead… Read more »
By AdamElkus I can already hear the chuckling. “Cyber warfare? Balanced? And I’d like partisanship in Washington to end, a double date with Mila Kunis and Scarlett Johansson, and some fries with that!” Yes, my desire is utopian, but the fact that I would have to qualify it with a self-deprecating remark suggests the distanceRead… Read more »
What happened this year in civic tech? We recently convened our final Municipal Innovation call of 2012, bringing together civic innovators from inside and outside government for a roundtable review of the year. Here’s what we heard from them: What were the biggest successes for civic tech in 2012? Wider adoption of Gov 2.0 principlesRead… Read more »
It’s been a great year at the DorobekINSIDER. Our show launched in February and 260 guests later the show is really something we are very proud of. So, for the last week in 2012, we wanted to do something different. We wanted to take a step back and highlight some of the great interviews we’veRead… Read more »