
Howto.Gov Does It Again.

Howto.Gov hosted their 5th webinar on APIs (of their 8 part installment) this past Thursday. This time, they went over a bit more of the technical roadblocks. More specifically, how to go about realeasing data for consumption and different API formats, keys, and analytics. (If lost already, refer to API evangelist. They do a greatRead… Read more »

AFCEA Bethesda Smart Tech Symposium Interview Series: Alex Teran, PhD Candidate at UC Berkeley

AFCEA Bethesda Smart Tech Symposium Interview Series: Alex Teran, PhD Candidate at UC Berkeley On October 23, AFCEA Bethesda hosted an innovative educational symposium for government and industry participants who are or want to be on the cutting edge of smart technology and sustainability. The goals of the event were to make the business caseRead… Read more »

Perhaps The Most Important Big Data Presentation From Hadoop World

By BobGourley “Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known” said Carl Sagan. This inspiring quote is a tremendous mantra for those in the Big Data movement and it played a central organizing theme to Mike Olson‘s keynote at the 2012 Hadoop World/Strata Conference in NYC. Mike highlighted this quote in his motivational keynote becauseRead… Read more »

AFCEA Bethesda Smart Tech Symposium Interview Series: Sauleh Siddiqui, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering at Johns Hopkins University

AFCEA Bethesda Smart Tech Symposium Interview Series: Sauleh Siddiqui, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering at Johns Hopkins University On October 23, AFCEA Bethesda hosted an innovative educational symposium for government and industry participants who are or want to be on the cutting edge of smart technology and sustainability. The goals of the event were toRead… Read more »

Where ideas go to live and/or die

I just finished reading Steven Johnson’s “Where Good Ideas Come From” and it’s an absolute must read for anyone interested in the sweet science of innovation; he’s actually got a TED talk that addresses some of these issues but it isn’t nearly as compelling as the book). I was so impressed with the book thatRead… Read more »

Does your city have a CIO (Chief Innovation Officer)?

Recently we collaborated with the Smart Cities institute to conduct a worldwide telepresence seminar at the Cisco offices, discussing ‘Gigabit Cities’ – Open Government, Big Data and Innovation. Our partners Sandel and Associates have been working with Kansas City to develop economic development strategies, and one key initiative for the city has been a dealRead… Read more »

MeetUp to talk GovCloud

As more and more people move their work into the cloud, security remains the number one priority, and concern, for agencies. But now, Esri’s ArcGIS technology can be deployed in the Amazon Web Services GovCloud US Region. This means government agencies can take full advantage of the benefits of using ArcGIS in the cloud toRead… Read more »

Race for Reuse: Shareabouts

“Put it on a map.” So often I hear this request when someone encounters an interesting set of civic data. Fortunately, that process has become fairly doable thanks to tools such as Google Fusion Tables, TileMill, and Esri. What about when you don’t have the data? How do you collect it and then map it?Read… Read more »