
Doing Government Websites Right

Today, I have a piece over on Tech President about how the new UK government website – – does a lot of things right. I’d love to see more governments invest two of the key ingredients that made the website work – good design and better analytics. Sadly, on the design front many politiciansRead… Read more »

Jumpstart or Re-boot your Enterprise Architecture Program

I think there is a general consensus that technology will play a large role in how successful most organizations will be in the years to come. Technology has seeped into almost every aspect of the organizational value chain and in many cases directly supports competitive advantage. From the manufacturing floor, to planning, to marketing toRead… Read more »

Could Big Data’s need for better energy technologies translate into global energy solutions?

Could Big Data’s need for better energy technologies translate into global energy solutions? It would seem that Silicon Valley’s polished visage is being called into question. The slick technology that pervades our lives belies the Cro-Magnon infrastructure that keeps it running. But as high-tech, data-driven businesses seek to find innovative solutions to this problem, canRead… Read more »

StreetCred: Big Data Finds Fugitives

By AlexOlesker Traffic citations are critical for funding police departments, courts, and municipalities. Unpaid citations or missed court appearances result in warrants and additional fees, but finding or arresting fugitives and collecting unpaid fines is difficult as well as time and manpower intensive. As a result, the process often stops there. In Texas alone, thereRead… Read more »

CHARLI Robot Gangnam Style

By BobGourley I’m not really sure were to file this, and am not convinced it is going to be helpful news you can use as an enterprise CTO. But it is something I feel compelled to share with you. The video embedded below is a mix of art and science. It is one of theRead… Read more »

The Future of Citizen/Enduser Engagement and Empowerment.

I recently spoke at the Future Social Government Australia 2012 Conference with attendees, including senior government communicators, looking to explore emerging technologies and how they can take advantage of any opportunities inherent therein. The nominal title of my presentation was, ‘Investigating the Internet’s Evolution & Impact on Social Strategy’ – to me, this boiled downRead… Read more »