Check out this IDC blog
Check out this IDC blog on the benefits of the cloud for education and government organizations:
Check out this IDC blog on the benefits of the cloud for education and government organizations:
On September 13th, GovLoop hosted our first ever virtual show, the Government Innovator’s Online Summit. The virtual conference brought together nearly 1300 government innovators, and provided five trainings throughout the day. Participants had the opportunity to virtually network, download resources and attend free online trainings to help them do their job better. Topics for theRead… Read more »
On September 13th, GovLoop hosted our first ever virtual show, the Government Innovator’s Online Summit. The virtual conference brought together nearly 1300 government innovators, and provided five trainings throughout the day. Participants had the opportunity to virtually network, download resources and attend free online trainings to help them do their job better. Topics for theRead… Read more »
On September 13th, GovLoop hosted our first ever virtual show, the Government Innovator’s Online Summit. The virtual conference brought together nearly 1300 government innovators, and provided five trainings throughout the day. Participants had the opportunity to virtually network, download resources and attend free online trainings to help them do their job better. Topics for theRead… Read more »
Over the weekend, Politico published an opinion article on how the Center for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications (CSCC) within the State Department uses social media and web forums to engage with potential radical groups to help influence them against violence or becoming a part of terrorist organizations. Unlike commercial marketing teams that use social media toRead… Read more »
Did you miss “Govloop’s Government Innovator’s Online Summit”? Never fear, you can learn what you missed at our training on “How to Build a Great Government Website” right here. Right now. You ready? This past Thursday, we were delighted to have Sheila Campbell, (Director of the Center for Excellence in Digital Government), and Hillary Hartley,Read… Read more »
The point of these posts: Agile methodologies used by software (and web) developers can be adapted to provide similar value to the rest of us. Not just for techies any more! Introduction This is a two part post. If you already know all about waterfall and agile development methodologies, feel free to skip this andRead… Read more »
The quiz has been updated. Click here to learn about and access the latest version.
I just noticed a new TED Talk by the first and former White House Deputy CTO Beth Noveck, delivered in Edinburgh, Scotland. She is really the initial instigator of the modern Open Government movement in the United States and is now working to make it a reality worldwide. What I like best about her talkRead… Read more »
I had an interesting discussion last week with a colleague about the terminology of government. We talk about politicians as moving the ‘levers of power’ and departmental restructures as ‘machinery of government’ (MOG) changes (sometimes used as a verb “we got mogged!”) Lack of progress in bureaucracy is called ‘spinning wheels’ (which often appears toRead… Read more »