
Military Open Source Software (Mil-OSS) WG4 Washington DC Oct 15-17

Mil-OSS is a volunteer collective of mission-focused open source professionals seeking to serve some of the nation’s most critically important missions, those in the national security community. Mil-OSS exists to improve technology development and innovation across the DoD by connecting and empowering the active community of patriotic open source developers and solution providers, improving useRead… Read more »

Text My Bus: Transit Info for Detroiters

Last week, on the first day of the new school year in Detroit, the CfA Detroit team launched a new service with the Detroit Department of Transportation (DDOT) called TextMyBus. TextMyBus provides a simple text messaging service to relay real time transit information to riders. In an environment where Detroiters are faced with cold winters,Read… Read more »

DC Tech Meetup Recap

I had the opportunity to learn about some awesome tech stuff happening in politics, advocacy, and government yesterday evening at a DC Tech Meetup. For those not familiar with the group, the DC Tech Meetup “convenes technologists, entrepreneurs, investors and the broader innovation community regularly to learn and share. Each month, 800+ innovators gather toRead… Read more »

NAJIS Conference | October 9-12, 2012 | REGISTER NOW

Join us in Portland, Maine | October 9-12, 2012 for the annual NAJIS conference. Register at This year’s agenda will cover trending topics of importance to criminal justice technology practitioners. Topics include SAVIN IEPD, eEverythingThe Good, The Bad and The Ugly, Re-Entry of OffendersThe Hampden County project, and Mobile Apps for Government, to mentionRead… Read more »

Tumbln into Tumblr: 7 Reasons it Hits a Social Media “Sweet Spot”

If you haven’t considered adding Tumblr to your social media portfolio yet, my latest blog post offers seven reasons why it hits a “sweet spot” for established individual and organizational users, complementing and augmenting engagement on other platforms in unique and effective ways. Additional reasons are welcome. Tumblr. Follow the world’s creators. That’s how TumblrRead… Read more »

New contest: can you describe a new start-up (or organization) without using ANY of these words?

I originally wrote this blog post because I have noticed, as the federal government has gotten more “startuppy,” the language in the articles covering Startup Gov enterprises has started to get more buzzwordtistic, more tech startup delirious. To the detriment of sense. We can stop this, people. We can, and we should, because at aRead… Read more »

Congress returns and the White House misses sequestration deadline — DorobekINSIDER stories you need to know

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Within hours after the nation’s deadliest tornado in nearly 60 years ripped through Joplin, Missouri, the first team of AmeriCorps members arrived on the scene to lend a helping hand. You’ll meet the women leading the charge. Click here for the full recap. Securing your mobile device — it’s not justRead… Read more »

Mobile phone privacy — who cares? Reasons why 88% of you should

Why focus on mobile government? Well, here’s a pretty amazing number for you — 88 percent of American adults own a mobile phone. But there are real privacy concerns. A new report by Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project found that more than half of those people have uninstalled or avoided certain appsRead… Read more »

Run your IT organization like a business

The current economic climate has put a particular emphasis on the efficiency and effectiveness of organizational projects and IT portfolios. Programs and projects that are unable to demonstrate a reasonable return on investment are being punished, and in many cases rightfully so. Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on your particular vantage point, management’s axe is fallingRead… Read more »