
Please participate in (short) time-sensitive Arvada/Boulder CMS survey

The cities of Arvada, Colorado and Boulder, Colorado recently entered into an MOU to “co-develop/enhance” a PHP-based web content management system originally developed by Arvada IT staff. This innovative product is both feature-rich and social media focused. The city of Boulder will be using the CMS in its new website design scheduled to go liveRead… Read more »

Helping Veterans Transition to Civilian Life

There are many resources available for veterans to help them transition back into civilian life. The Department of Defense Office of Warrior Care Policy has dozens of resources designed to help veterans returning from war. One post in particular, Wounded warriors and families encouraged to keep minds and bodies strong, utilize health resources states: “WithRead… Read more »

Major impacts of Cloud computing

Cloud has dramatically changed how we think about and utilize services. Cloud facilitates rapid deployments due to quick availability of scalable services. It provides the high service velocity to manage changes incrementally and less time for provisioning storage and applications. Cloud can enhance productivity by providing the infrastructure or application platforms and related tools toRead… Read more »

How to distinguish a fake digital signature from a real one

There are lot misconceptions about digital signatures. Some think that adding an image of a signature to a document is sufficient to legally sign a document. Others know that digital signatures are described in standards, such as PDF 32000-1 and the ETSI Technical Standards TS 102 778 (part 1 to 6). For those who don’tRead… Read more »

Unmanned Helicopter Reconnaissance Squadron One, Malware Campaign Against the Defense Industry, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The Navy is establishing Unmanned Helicopter Reconnaissance Squadron One (HUQ-1) effective October 1, 2012. More here. The Office of Management and Budget released an updated report stating that 318 data centers have been closed since 2010, 50 of them May. More here. The Defense Information SystemsRead… Read more »

DARPA’s UPSIDE Seeks to Rethink Computing

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency‘s (DARPA)’s Unconventional Processing of Signals for Intelligent Data Exploitation (UPSIDE) program is looking to develop a computing infrastructure that is three orders of magnitude faster and four orders of magnitude more energy efficient, or roughly 1,000 and 10,000 times respectively, than current digital processors. To do so, the BroadRead… Read more »