
Macon It Happen

After attending both PyCon and OSCON, and manning the Code for America expo booth at both events, it’s become pretty clear that technical people are kind of shocked that Macon is a Code for America city. “Macon… Georgia?” is a question I’ve heard multiple times (with varying amounts of pause between city and state). InRead… Read more »

INSA Cyber Innovation Symposium 26 September 2012

The Intelligence and National Security Alliance (INSA), a great group of US national security professionals, is a nonpartisan, not-for-profit, private sector organization which provides a forum for thought leadership, idea generation, information sharing and networking. Members include many individuals with national security backgrounds and over 150 corporate members from some of our nation’s greatest firmsRead… Read more »

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Technology Forecast 2013

I am an avid follower of everything technology and trends, but am tired of hearing about cloud, mobile, and social computing. It’s time to get over it with the agenda of the past and get on with it with the future of technology. Here is my “Technology Forecast 2013” with the top 8 trends IRead… Read more »

Labor Goes High-Tech: Nation’s largest federal employees union extends its reach through technology

The Information Services department at the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) headquarters in Washington, D.C., is seeking to streamline the online content found on AFGE local websites with content and updates from AFGE National. This product, named LaborWeb will considerably simplify the process of creating a website for a local, as well as createRead… Read more »

The Secret sauce to program management success and the Facebook effect on the election

On today’s program Do vague requirements cause programs to fail? Click here for the full recap. And in the DorobekINSIDER water-cooler fodder: What does a VP nomination do to your number of Facebook followers. Sequestration — yes, again A trade association representing major defense contractors is projecting mass layoffs of air traffic controllers and closingsRead… Read more »

The Business of IT – A Tale of Two Strategies

Developing a strategy to progress towards a desired end result is just one component of a successful program. Crafting plans and successfully implementing those plans are equally critical. In my Summer 2012 column in FedTech Magazine, I evaluated two recent strategies issued by the Federal CIO to assess the likelihood of their success. What doRead… Read more »

Securing Government Desktops from Cyber Threats with the Latest KVM Technology

Cyber attacks on government systems are increasing at an exponential rate. Over a three-year period, government agencies reported a 400-percent increase in attempted incursions into federal systems. While there is no current data on the number of attempts to compromise intelligence and defense computer systems, they are no doubt under similar stress as foreign governments,Read… Read more »

State and Local Government: Innovations for Emergency Response

For state and local governments across the country, 911 operating centers are adopting a new technology to improve responsiveness. The program, Smart911, gives citizens the ability to better connect with 911 by providing them data that can help in the event of an emergency. Launched almost two years ago by Rave Mobile Safety, Smart911 hasRead… Read more »