
DARPA’s Robot Worm, DISA’s Host-Based Security System, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency supported researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University, and Seoul National University to create Meshworm, a crawling autonomous soft robot that could one day be used for reconnaissance. More here. The Federal Bureau of Investigation warns of theRead… Read more »

Some CFA code

This weekend I spent some time on code for america and rootstrikers, Some ideas about open311 : Some code i wrote for CFA/open311 and for rootstrikers : hope you like it, mike

NYPD and Microsoft Create a Next Generation Law Enforcement Big Data Solution

With an emphasis on surveillance, evidence, and reporting, law enforcement is an extremely data-intensive field and the New York City Police Department, as the largest agency which deals with the largest American city, has the most data to handle. Lately, with the NYPD’s greater focus on counterterrorism and projects like the Lower Manhattan Security InitiativeRead… Read more »

GovBytes: Speaking of Critical Open Data… The Great British Public Toilet Map

Speaking of critical data that should be available to the public, how many times have you been out and about and suddenly found yourself in need of a public restroom? To their citizens’ relief, in England, Australia, and several other countries around the world there’s an app to help you find one. From Australia’s DepartmentRead… Read more »

Updated NIST Computer Security Guidance, NASA Cybersecurity, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: Customs and Border Protection plans to purchase an outside computer program to track aircraft inventories despite Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano’s call to use existing capabilities. More here. The National Institute of Standards and Technology has published its updated guide to handling computer security incidents. MoreRead… Read more »

Meet the SWAT team for social media (VOST) and is there a VALUE in transparency?

On today’s program Earlier this week, we asked if Twitter and Facebook spelled the end of emergency management. Well, emergency managers are actually learning to use those tools to broaden their eyes and ears about what is going on in an emergency. They are called Virtual Operations Support Teams. And we’ll talk to an emergencyRead… Read more »

VOST — It’s like the SWAT team for social media

Everybody needs situational awareness — that’s what they call it in the military — knowing what you need to know to make the best decisions. That is particularly true for emergency managers. Earlier this week, we spoke to Adam Crowe who suggested that emergency managment as we now know it is dead. His argument: socialRead… Read more »