
Sunlight Foundation’s 33 Recommendations for Open Data Policies

This morning I was reading a recent blog post by Laurenellen McCann, Open Data Policy Guidelines, from the Sunlight Foundation. I found the blog post fascinating, and believed this would be a great resource for the GovLoop community to check out, especially if you are involved in Gov 2.0 or open data initiatives within yourRead… Read more »

Another Exciting Year for the National Veterans Wheelchair Games

The Paralyzed Veterans of America recently wrapped up their annual wheelchair sports event—the 32ndNational Veterans Wheelchair Games, which HP attended as a proud sponsor. The event was held in Richmond, Va., and included more than 500 athletes competing in a variety of sports. The event was made even more special because it was considered aRead… Read more »

How Public Hearings Can Distort Decision Making and How Online Forums Can Mitigate this Distorting Influence

Public hearings are often the most influential channel for feedback to government decision makers. Therefore it’s problematic that this influence is frequently distorted by public hearing feedback that is not representative of the views of the majority of a community. This distorted influence is caused by three dynamics: (1) a spectrum of impediments to civicRead… Read more »

DISA Cloud Computing Panel & HP Intel POD Tour

HP’s Rob Owen provides a tour of the HP Intel POD (Performance Optimized Datacenter) at DISA 2012. Cloud Computing Panel at DISA 2012, hosted by GovLoop’s Steve Ressler, featuring HP’s Jeff Bergeron, Microsoft’s Susie Adams, and VMWare’s William Rowan Panel summary with GovLoop’s Steve Ressler and HP’s Jeff Bergeron Cloud Computing Panel at DISA 2012Read… Read more »

Blue CRUSH: Fighting Crime With Predictive Policing

When we think about Memphis, Tennessee, traditionally we think about great music and fantastic barbecue. Now, we can add a third trait, which is an innovative and transformative way to fight crime. Larry Godwin, Director of Police Services, Memphis Police Department, recently was profiled in an IBM Smarter Planet Leadership Series Report, highlighting the “BlueRead… Read more »

Oklahoma’s First CIO Speaks to Procurement and its Effect on Innovation

With even greater attention focused on government expenditures, the need to acquire services for the lowest cost is increasingly in the spotlight. Innovation in information technology, however, may be suffering as a result of the procurement process. In this interview, Alex Pettit, the current Chief Information Officer for the state of Oklahoma, discusses with ChrisRead… Read more »

WIC Program Announces Key Opportunity for Software Enhancement Services

Greetings! The U.S. Department of Agriculture Women, Infants and Children (WIC) IT program will soon be releasing a Request for Proposal (RFP) to provide software enhancement services to the Successful Partners in Reaching Innovative Technology (SPIRIT) IT system, which administers benefits to nearly half a million WIC participants around the country. Additionally, an “Industry Day”Read… Read more »

Wall Street Journal Reports on San Francisco Gamification Summit – Gamification is Becoming Big Business!

“Gamification is serious business,” according to the Wall Street Journal and their coverage of the Gamification Summit that happened in San Francisco this week – attracting well over 600 individuals from… For the whole story see: