
GovBytes: Social Media a Major Campaign Tool for Political Candidates

Social media has become a major influencer in the way candidates campaign. Newark’s Cory Booker has over one million followers, and is one of the best examples of a politician successfully utilizing social media. On New Years Eve in 2010, Mayor Booker even responded to a grandson tweeting about his grandfather who needed his drivewayRead… Read more »

To Hash or Not to Hash? A Decision Making Guide

Using a decision-making flowchart, this post helps people determine whether they should include one or more hashtags in their tweets. This guidance is offered as an extension of the recent post, 6 Tips to Avoid Making a Hash of Twitter Hashtags. The post also provides links to additional resources that enable both rookie and moreRead… Read more »

How Is Your Agency Going to Tackle Mobile Optimization?

In the White House digital government strategy released a few weeks ago, the White House has made it clear that it wants all government agencies to ensure that the American public can find its critical services via their mobile phone. This is not surprising considering that currently 46% of the American public owns a smartphone,Read… Read more »

How can UK Local Government achieve Digital by Default?

Two of the biggest challenges facing government IT policy is how best to tap into the potential of open data and how to make digital by default a core goal. mySocity’s director Tom Steinberg hosted a session at LGA Conference 2012 outlining how local government should respond to these two issues and enable the sectorRead… Read more »

New IBM Report: Leading Through Connections

IBM recently released its Global CEO Study “Leading Through Connections,” which compiles interviews from over 1,700 CEOs in 64 countries across 18 industries, including the public sector. The report looks at how leading CEOs are responding to an increasingly open and interconnected world, where customers, employees and partners are all connected to the organization inRead… Read more »

Live Video Chat on Home Foreclosure Mitigation Efforts – 7/2 at 12:30pm ET

GAO will be holding the third of our live streaming AskGAOLive video chats this Monday. TOPIC: Federal Efforts to Help Struggling Homeowners Keep Their Homes LINK: WHEN: Monday, July 2, at 12:30pm The chat will be based on a GAO report being released on this subject later today. You can submit questions for GAORead… Read more »

Breaking Down Big Data — 3 Experts Weigh In

Hey there. I’m Emily Jarvis– the DorobekINSIDER producer — and welcome GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER. Chris is out of the office this week on vacation. But we couldn’t leave you hanging. So I’ve compiled some of my favorite interviews on Big Data. It’s the latest buzzword to take over government. And it’s making a big splashRead… Read more »