
GovBytes: Cyber-Crime Grew in 2011

Crime on the Internet is trending up, which is no surprise with the explosive growth of the Internet. Cyber-crime complaints were up 3.4 percent in 2011 from 2010 according to the latest latest Report on Internet Crime by the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3). The IC3 is a partnership between the FBI, White Collar CrimeRead… Read more »

The First Cybercops

Yesterday I attended a discussion put on by the Atlantic Council’s Cyber Statecraft Initiative. The event, “Lessons from our Cyber Past: The First Cyber Cops,” featured a panel that included: Steven Chabinsky, Deputy Assistant Director, Cyber Division, FBI; Shawn Henry, former Executive Assistant Director, Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch, FBI; Christopher Painter, Coordinator forRead… Read more »

How one Fed gets Americans out of danger overseas, Keeping your career morale and how Canada’s improving political dialogue

 On the program today for Thursday May 17, 2012

 When times are tough — there is a terrible situation overseas… Egypt, Syria, Haiti — we’re going to talk to the person who helps Americans get out of danger… and she is a SAMMIES finalist.
 Keeping your morale up as you focus on your careerRead… Read more »

The Fallacy of “Opting Out”

PJ Rey has a typically well-thought out post at Cyborgology on the problem with “opting out” media, with some significant implications for the way we think about technology and cybersecurity. Even a CTOVision reader may have a friend or relative (or both) that just doesn’t get why Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn is so important. LikeRead… Read more »

Cybersecurity: How Do You Build Trust Within Your Network?

Today I read an interesting white paper from Cisco, Cybersecurity: Build Trust, Visibility, and Resilience. The paper focused on security issues across the internet, and what government leaders and IT staff need to know to keep systems safe. The report focused on five areas: Understanding the proliferation of risks Achieving a trusted network Creating networkRead… Read more »

Protecting Your Online Privacy is Easy – Here’s How

In the May 7th, 2012 post, I talked about policies you can implement to protect your online privacy. That post reinforced how important it is to use common sense when online. The biggest take-away from that article was not to use free services for editing, storing, or communicating personal information. However, it’s not always possibleRead… Read more »

EEOC: Big IT lesson in cost savings from small agency

Riddle me this: How does a small independent federal agency like EEOC — facing a 15% IT budget cut — successfully negotiate a 30% cost savings with telecom giant Verizon for continued Blackberry use agency-wide? Moreover, can your agency emulate this example? Federal Times tells the story of an IT cost savings lesson learned inRead… Read more »

3 Great Case Studies – Local Government Adopting Google Technology

Within the last few weeks, Google has made quite a few announcements regarding numerous local governments beginning to use Google Apps for Government. Three cities in particular have been the City of Edmonton, which was the first major municipal government in Canada to use the Google suite. Two other cities where St.Louis and Columbia, Missouri.Read… Read more »